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From CNNs to Shift-Invariant Twin Models Based on Complex Wavelets (arXiv:2212.00394)


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From CNNs to Shift-Invariant Twin Models Based on Complex Wavelets (arXiv:2212.00394)

Hubert Leterme, Kévin Polisano, Valérie Perrier, Karteek Alahari

Univ. Grenoble Alpes, CNRS, Inria, Grenoble INP, LJK, 38000 Grenoble, France

Requirements and Settings

You can create a conda environment to reproduce our results in similar conditions.

conda env create -f condaenv.yml
conda activate wcnn

Before running the scripts or using the library, update the configuration file provided at the root of this repository, named wcnn_config.yml, as follows.


Specify the root directories of the datasets.


The repository includes:

  • a file ./classif_db.csv, which lists available classifiers and the corresponding scripts, for reproducibility;
  • a directory ./classif/, which contains the pickled training and evaluation metrics (<filename>.classif) and PyTorch state dictionaries (<filename>.tar) for each classifier.

The paths are already set to the correct locations. However, if you want to place these assets in another directory, you need to update path_to_csv and path_to_classif.


These are GitHub repositories not handled by pip. Therefore, you must clone them yourself and specify their location in front of root. They will be automatically appended to sys.path.


If you trained models on a GPU cluster, you may need to download the pickled classifiers from the remote location. This can be handled automatically if accessed via SSH. For this to be possible, you must specify the host name (as host1 or host2) as well as the location of the directory containing the classifiers (corresponding to path_to_classif in the remote configuration file).

Loading an Existing Classifier

from wcnn.classifier import WaveCnnClassifier
# Get list of available classifiers

Here is a list of trained classifiers provided in this repository. We only provided the training and evaluation metrics (<filename>.classif), due to the storage limit. The files containing the PyTorch state dictionaries (<filename>.tar) can be retrieved by re-training the classifiers (see below).

Name Backbone Type Blur filter size Dataset
AI AlexNet CNN - ImageNet
AwyI AlexNet WCNN - ImageNet
AwyI_mod AlexNet $\mathbb C$-WCNN - ImageNet
Azh3I AlexNet BlurCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Azh3wyI AlexNet BlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Azh3wyI_mod AlexNet $\mathbb C$-BlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
RI ResNet-34 CNN - ImageNet
RwyI ResNet-34 WCNN - ImageNet
RwyI_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-WCNN - ImageNet
Rzh3I ResNet-34 BlurCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzh3wyI ResNet-34 BlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzh3wyI_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-BlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzh3wyI_abl ResNet-34 BlurWCNN (ablated) 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzo3I ResNet-34 ABlurCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzo3wyI ResNet-34 ABlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzo3wyI_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-ABlurWCNN 3 (default) ImageNet
Rzo3wyI_abl ResNet-34 ABlurWCNN (ablated) 3 (default) ImageNet
R18C ResNet-18 CNN - CIFAR10
R18wyC ResNet-18 WCNN - CIFAR10
R18wyC_mod ResNet-18 $\mathbb C$-WCNN - CIFAR10
R18zh3C ResNet-18 BlurCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R18zh3wyC ResNet-18 BlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R18zh3wyC_mod ResNet-18 $\mathbb C$-BlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R18zo3C ResNet-18 ABlurCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R18zo3wyC ResNet-18 ABlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R18zo3wyC_mod ResNet-18 $\mathbb C$-ABlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34C ResNet-34 CNN - CIFAR10
R34wyC ResNet-34 WCNN - CIFAR10
R34wyC_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-WCNN - CIFAR10
R34zh3C ResNet-34 BlurCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34zh3wyC ResNet-34 BlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34zh3wyC_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-BlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34zo3C ResNet-34 ABlurCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34zo3wyC ResNet-34 ABlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
R34zo3wyC_mod ResNet-34 $\mathbb C$-ABlurWCNN 3 (default) CIFAR10
# Load classifier (WAlexNet trained on ImageNet, 90 epochs)
classif = WaveCnnClassifier.load(
    "AwyI", status="e90", load_net=False, train=False

# Load classifier (WResNet-34 trained on CIFAR-10, 300 epochs)
classif = WaveCnnClassifier.load(
    "R34wyC", status="e300", load_net=False, train=False

The status can be equal to checkpoint (last saved checkpoint from this classifier), best (checkpoint with the best validation score so far; disabled by default), or e<nepochs>, where <nepochs> denotes the corresponding training epoch.

The object classif inherits from sklearn.base.BaseEstimator. Here is a (non-comprehensive) list of attributes, updated during training or evaluation.

# Trained PyTorch model
# If state dicts are unavailable, then the parameters will not be in their trained state.
net = classif.net_

# List of losses, for each minibatch of size classif.batch_size_train
losses = classif.losses_

# Dictionary of validation errors, for each training epoch
val_errs = classif.val_errs_

# Dictionary of evaluation scores (accuracy, KL divergence, mean flip rate...), computed after training
eval_scores = classif.eval_scores_

Resulting Convolution Kernel

In a mathematical twin (WCNN), the first convolution layer is replaced by a PyTorch module of type wcnn.cnn.building_blocks.HybridConv2dWpt, which includes a freely-trained layer of type torch.nn.Conv2d, and a wavelet block of type wcnn.cnn.building_blocks.WptBlock.

A module HybridConv2dWpt is essentially a regular convolution layer with a reduced number of degrees of freedom. As such, it is possible to compute an "equivalent convolution kernel."

# In a standard AlexNet, this module would be of type torch.nn.Conv2d
hybridconv = net.features[0]

# PyTorch tensor of size (64, 3, 72, 72)
ker = hybridconv.resulting_kernel

Note that the kernel size ($72 \times 72$) is much bigger than in a conventional AlexNet ($11 \times 11$). However, most of its energy lies in a much smaller region because the filter coefficients are fast decaying.

This resulting kernel is only used for visualization purpose. For computational reasons, the wavelet packet coefficients are actually computed with successive subsampled convolutions and linear combinations of feature maps.

Evaluation Scores

The evaluation scores are stored in a nested dictionary (classif.eval_scores_) with the following structure:

- ds_name # "ImageNet", "CIFAR10"...
    - split # "val", "test", or other splits depending on the dataset
        - eval_mode # "onecrop", "tencrops", "shifts"...
            - metrics # "top1_5_accuracy_scores", "kldiv", "mfr"...

For reproducibility reasons, the scores are stored in an object of type wcnn.classifier.classifier_toolbox.Score, which also contains the recording date and time, and the commit number (if provided when computing the score).

Training a Model

AlexNet on ImageNet


# CNN (standard model)
python AI -a AlexNet --lr 0.01

# WCNN (mathematical twin)
python AwyI -a AlexNet --config Ft32Y --lr 0.01 --get-gradients --has-l1loss --lambda-params 0. 0.0041 0.00032

# CWCNN (mathematical twin with CMod)
python AwyI_mod -a DtCwptAlexNet --config Ft32Y_mod --lr 0.01 --get-gradients --has-l1loss --lambda-params 0. 0.0041 0.00032

# BlurCNN (blur pooling)
python Azh3I -a ZhangAlexNet --config Bf3 --lr 0.01

# BlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling)
python Azh3wyI -a DtCwptZhangAlexNet --config Ft32YBf3 --lr 0.01 --get-gradients --has-l1loss --lambda-params 0. 0.0041 0.00032

# CBlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling and CMod)
python Azh3wyI_mod -a DtCwptZhangAlexNet --config Ft32YBf3_mod --lr 0.01 --get-gradients --has-l1loss --lambda-params 0. 0.0041 0.00032

ResNet on ImageNet


# CNN (standard model)
python RI -a resnet34

# WCNN (mathematical twin)
python RwyI -a dtcwpt_resnet34 --config Ft40YEx

# CWCNN (mathematical twin with CMod)
python RwyI_mod -a dtcwpt_resnet34 --config Ft40YEx_mod

# BlurCNN (blur pooling)
python Rzh3I -a zhang_resnet34 --config Bf3

# BlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling)
python Rzh3wyI -a dtcwpt_zhang_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex

# CBlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling and CMod)
python Rzh3wyI_mod -a dtcwpt_zhang_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_mod

# Ablated BlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling except for the Gabor channels)
python Rzh3wyI_abl -a dtcwpt_zhang_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_abl

# ABlurCNN (adaptive blur pooling)
python Rzo3I -a zou_resnet34 --config Bf3 -ba 2

# ABlurWCNN (mathematical twin with adaptive blur pooling)
python Rzo3wyI -a dtcwpt_zou_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex -ba 2

# CABlurWCNN (mathematical twin with adaptive blur pooling and CMod)
python Rzo3wyI_mod -a dtcwpt_zou_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_mod -ba 2

# Ablated ABlurWCNN (mathematical twin with adaptive blur pooling except for the Gabor channels)
python Rzo3wyI_abl -a dtcwpt_zou_resnet34 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_abl

ResNet on CIFAR10


# To use ResNet-34, 50 or 101 instead of 18, simply replace the number of layers in the following scripts.

# CNN (standard model)
python R18C -a resnet18 -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# WCNN (mathematical twin)
python R18wyC -a dtcwpt_resnet18 --config Ft40YEx -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# CWCNN (mathematical twin with CMod)
python R18wyC_mod -a dtcwpt_resnet18 --config Ft40YEx_mod -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# BlurCNN (blur pooling)
python R18zh3C -a zhang_resnet18 --config Bf3 -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# BlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling)
python R18zh3wyC -a dtcwpt_zhang_resnet18 --config Ft40YBf3Ex -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# CBlurWCNN (mathematical twin with blur pooling and CMod)
python R18zh3wyC_mod -a dtcwpt_zhang_resnet18 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_mod -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# ABlurCNN (adaptive blur pooling)
python R18zo3C -a zou_resnet18 --config Bf3 -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# ABlurWCNN (mathematical twin with adaptive blur pooling)
python R18zo3wyC -a dtcwpt_zou_resnet18 --config Ft40YBf3Ex -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

# CABlurWCNN (mathematical twin with adaptive blur pooling and CMod)
python R18zo3wyC_mod -a dtcwpt_zou_resnet18 --config Ft40YBf3Ex_mod -ds CIFAR10 --epochs 300 --lr-scheduler StepLR100

Model configurations (nomenclature for argument --config)

from wcnn.cnn import models

# List of available architectures
arch_list = models.ARCH_LIST

# List of available configurations for a given architecture
configs = models.configs("dtcwpt_resnet34")

The configurations are named according to the following nomenclature.

Prototype Meaning
Ft32 $32$ freely-trained channels
Y Color mixing before wavelet transform
Bf3 Blurring filter of size $3$
Ex Exclude edge filters (see remark below)
_mod Replace $\mathbb R$-Max (standalone or with blur pooling) by standalone $\mathbb C$-Mod


  • The first (positional) argument of the Python script (e.g., AI) is used as an identifier for the classifier. You can use any string, unless a classifier with the same name already exists in classif_db.csv.

  • If a script stops before the end, simply re-launch it to resume training from the last checkpoint. To resume training from a specific epoch, add argument -r &epoch, where &epoch denotes the requested epoch number.

  • To avoid CUDA out-of-memory errors, in models with adaptive blur pooling, we set option -ba 2 (batch accumulation before updating weights), following Zou et al. See also this discussion on the PyTorch forum.

  • Following the standard procedures, in AlexNet-based models, the initial learning rate is set to $0.01$ (the default value is $0.1$).

  • In ResNet-based models, the $14$ filters with maximal frequency ("boundary" filters) have been manually discarded. These excluded filters have indeed poorly-defined orientations, and often take the appearance of a checkerboard. To include these filters nonetheless, simply replace (for instance) --config Ft40YEx by --config Ft40Y in the above scripts.

  • There is no $l^1/l^\infty$-regularization for ResNet-based models. This is because the number of manually selected wavelet packet filters ($16$) is sufficiently small comparatively to the available number of output channels ($24$ assigned to the wavelet block). Therefore, all filters are mapped to at least one output channel. If --config Ft40YEx is replaced by --config Ft40Y (see above), then regularization is recommended. In this case, add parameters --get-gradients (optional), --has-l1loss and --lambda-params 0. 0.005. For instance:

# RMax
python Rwy0I -a dtcwpt_resnet34 --config Ft40Y --get-gradients --has-l1loss --lambda-params 0. 0.005

Evaluating a Model

Examples with WAlexNet trained on ImageNet ($90$ epochs). The following scores are computed on the "test" dataset, which is actually the official "validation" set provided by ImageNet ($50,000$ images). Note that, during training, a subset of the training set ($100,000$ images) is used for validation.

Accuracy Scores


# One crop
python AwyI -s e90 -em onecrop

# Ten crops
python AwyI -s e90 -b 32 -em tencrops --verbose-print-batch 500

Shift Invariance

The examples are given for horizontal shifts (can also be set to vertical or diagonal).


# KL divergence
python AwyI -s e90 -b 16 -em shifts --max-shift 8 --pixel-divide 2 --shift-direction horizontal --metrics kldiv --verbose-print-batch 256

# Mean flip rate (mFR)
python AwyI -s e90 -b 16 -em shifts --max-shift 8 --pixel-divide 1 --shift-direction horizontal --max-step-size 8 --verbose-print-batch 256

Notes for mFR

  • --pixel-divide 1: input shifts are done by steps of $1$ pixel ($0.5$ for KL divergence);
  • --max-step-size 8: compute mFR up to 8-pixel shifts. For models trained with CIFAR-10, use --max-step-size 4 instead.


Copyright 2023 Hubert Leterme

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


H. Leterme, K. Polisano, V. Perrier, and K. Alahari, “From CNNs to Shift-Invariant Twin Wavelet Models,” arXiv:2212.00394, Dec. 2022.


From CNNs to Shift-Invariant Twin Models Based on Complex Wavelets (arXiv:2212.00394)







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