A storage lib.
is a storage lib which has a custom type system and is rather lightweight(<10KB after minification WITHOUT zipping). With your store declared, type checking and conflict detecting will be available out of the box.
Use npm to install it as a dependency:
npm install hstorage
Import the exports of this lib:
import { /* ... */ } from "hstorage"; // or const { /* ... */ } = require("hstorage");
Use them in your code.
Include one of the following script tags in your HTML file:
via jsdelivr:
<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/hstorage@latest/dist/hstorage.umd.min.js"></script>
or via unpkg:
<script type="text/javascript" crossorigin="anonymous" src="https://unpkg.com/hstorage@latest/dist/hstorage.umd.min.js"></script>
Access the APIs via the
global.const { /* ... */ } = HS;
If you want a specified version, just replace latest
with that in the url. By the way, it is recommended to use a specified version in production.
For more information about these two CDN sites, visit www.jsdelivr.com and unpkg.com.
(The API reference is written in TypeScript.)
* @desc The type of storage-like objects.
interface StorageLike {
* @desc Get the item value by giving the key to it.
getItem(key: string): string | null;
* @desc Set the item value by giving the key to it.
setItem(key: string, value: string): void;
* @desc The type of store options. (These are all
* partial properties on store instances, so you can
* refer to the property details for more information.)
interface StoreOptions<T> {
defaultValue?: T | null;
type?: Type<T> | null;
delay?: number;
storage?: StorageLike;
lazyLoad?: boolean;
strictLoad?: boolean;
secure?: boolean;
autoFix?: boolean;
onInvalid?: StoreInvalidCallback<T> | null;
onConflict?: StoreConflictCallback<T> | null;
pathSeparator?: string;
* @desc The class for store instances.
class Store<T = unknown> {
* @desc The defaults of store options.
static defaults: StoreOptions<any>;
* @desc The constructor which accepts a required name and optional options.
constructor(name: string, options?: StoreOptions<T>);
* @desc The name which is used as the key to the store.
name: string;
* @desc The default value of the store. If this is omitted but the `type` property
* is given, `type.defaultValue` will be adopted.
defaultValue: T | null;
* @desc The type of the store. (See the `Type` interface and built-in types below.)
* If this is omitted but the `defaultValue` is given, an inferred type generated by
* `inferType`(see below) will be adopted.
type: Type<T> | null;
* @desc The delay of saving in milliseconds. (If zero, save synchronously.)
delay: number;
* @desc The storage to use.
* @default localStorage
storage: StorageLike;
* @desc Whether not to load immediately when the store is being created.
* @default false
readonly lazyLoad: boolean;
* @desc Whether to do type checking while loading the store from storage.
* @default true
strictLoad: boolean;
* @desc Whether to check conflicts while saving.
* @default true
secure: boolean;
* @desc Whether to try to fix invalid value automatically.
* @default true
autoFix: boolean;
* @desc The invalidation callback. (If not given, errors will be thrown instead.)
* @param paths The invalid property paths. (Path `[]` means the root.)
onInvalid: ((this: Store<T>, paths: string[][]) => void) | null;
* @desc The conflict callback. (If not given, errors will be thrown instead.)
* @param newSource The current source in the storage.
* @param oldSource The copy of the old source in the storage.
* @example
* ```js
* onConflict(newSource, oldSource) {
* if (youWantTheNewSource) {
* this.load(newSource);
* } else {
* this.storage.setItem(this.name, oldSource);
* this.save();
* }
* }
* ```
onConflict: ((this: Store<T>, newSource: string | null, oldSource: string | null) => void) | null;
* @desc The path separator to use.
* @default '.'
pathSeparator: string;
* @desc Manually save the store. (synchronously)
* @returns Whether the saving is successful. (`false` if conflict occurs
* or no `storage` given.)
save(): boolean;
* @desc Reset the specific value.
* @param selector A path string or a path array.
* @returns Whether the reset is successful. (`false` if the default value can't be found.)
* @example
* ```js
* store.reset('foo.bar');
* store.reset(['foo', 'bar']);
* ```
reset(selector: string | string[]): boolean;
* @desc Load the store from source.
* @param source The source string. If omitted, read the source from `storage`.
* @returns Whether the loading is successful. (`false` both on invalidation
* if it can't be fixed and no storage presence.)
load(source?: string | null): boolean;
* @desc Check whether the sources conflict.
* @returns `true` if conflict; `false` otherwise.
checkConflict(): boolean;
* @desc Get the specific store value by giving a property path string or
* a path array. Invoke it without arguments to get the whole store value.
get(path?: string | string[]): unknown;
* @desc Set the specific value by giving a path and a new value or
* an updating callback which accepts the old value and returns a new one.
* @returns Whether the operation is successful. (`false` on invalidation if it can't fixed.)
set(path: string | string[], patch: unknown | (this: Store<T>, oldValue: unknown) => unknown): boolean;
* @desc The type of validating results.
interface ValidatingResult {
* @desc Whether the value is valid.
valid: boolean;
* @desc The path of invalid properties if there is any.
paths?: string[][];
* @desc The type of type class instances.
interface Type<T> {
* @desc The default value.
defaultValue: T;
* @desc Validate the given result.
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Turn an object into a map of corresponding type class instances.
type Types<T extends {}> = {
[K in Extract<keyof T, string>]: Type<T[K]>;
* @desc The type class of any types. (always valid)
class Any implements Type<any> {
constructor(defaultValue?: any);
defaultValue: any;
validate(): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create an any type instance.
function any(defaultValue?: any): Any;
* @desc The type class of booleans.
class Boolean implements Type<boolean> {
defaultValue: boolean;
constructor(defaultValue?: boolean);
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a boolean type instance.
function boolean(defaultValue?: boolean): Boolean;
* @desc The type of string options. (See property details.)
interface StringOptions {
defaultValue?: string;
minLength?: number;
maxLength?: number;
pattern?: RegExp | null;
* @desc The type class of strings.
class String implements Type<string> {
static defaults: StringOptions;
constructor(options?: StringOptions);
defaultValue: string;
* @desc The minimum string length.
* @default 0
minLength: number;
* @desc The maximum string length.
* @default Infinity
maxLength: number;
* @desc The string pattern. (`null` means any pattern.)
pattern: RegExp | null;
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a string type instance.
function string(options?: StringOptions): String;
* @desc The type of number options. (See property details.)
interface NumberOptions {
defaultValue?: number;
min?: number;
max?: number;
integer?: boolean;
* @desc The type class of numbers.
class Number implements Type<number> {
static defaults: NumberOptions;
constructor(options?: NumberOptions);
defaultValue: number;
* @desc The minimum limit.
* @default -Infinity
min: number;
* @desc The maximum limit.
* @default Infinity
max: number;
* @desc Whether the number must be an integer.
* @default false
integer: boolean;
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a number type instance.
function number(options?: NumberOptions | undefined): Number;
* @desc The type of nullable options. (See property details.)
interface NullableOptions<T extends null | undefined> {
defaultValue?: T;
null?: boolean;
undefined?: boolean;
* @desc The type class of nullable value.
class Nullable<T extends null | undefined = null | undefined> implements Type<T> {
static defaults: NullableOptions<null | undefined>;
constructor(options?: NullableOptions<T>);
defaultValue: T;
* @desc Whether `null` is acceptable.
* @default true
null: boolean;
* @desc Whether `undefined` is acceptable.
* @default true
undefined: boolean;
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a nullable type instance.
function nullable: <T extends null | undefined = null | undefined>
(options?: NullableOptions<T>): Nullable<T>;
* @desc The type class of dictionaries.
class Dictionary<T extends {} = any> implements Type<T> {
* @desc The property types. (`null` or `undefined` means no limit.)
* @example
* ```js
* dictionary.types = {
* foo: HS.string(),
* bar: HS.number(),
* };
* ```
readonly types?: Types<T> | null;
constructor(types?: Types<T> | null);
* @desc The default value. (If not provided, one will be created from `types`.)
defaultValue: T;
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a dictionary type instance.
function dictionary<T extends {} = any>(types?: Types<T> | null): Dictionary<T>;
* @desc The type of list options. (See property details.)
interface ListOptions<T> {
defaultValue?: T[];
type: Type<T>;
* @desc The type class of lists.
class List<T = unknown> implements Type<T[]> {
static defaults: ListOptions<unknown>;
constructor(options?: ListOptions<T>);
defaultValue: T[];
* @desc The type of list elements.
* @default Any
type: Type<T>;
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a list type instance.
function list<T = unknown>(options?: ListOptions<T>): List<T>;
* @desc The type of union options. (See property details.)
interface UnionOptions<T> {
defaultValue?: T;
types: Type<T>[];
* @desc The type class of union.
class Union<T = unknown> implements Type<T> {
constructor(options?: UnionOptions<T>);
* @desc The default value. (If not provided, one will be created from `types`.)
defaultValue: T;
* @desc The types included in the union.
types: Type<T>[];
validate(value: unknown): ValidatingResult;
* @desc Create a union type instance.
function union<T = unknown>(options?: UnionOptions<T>): Union<T>;
* @desc Get the type nested in the given type by giving the path to it.
* (Its ancestors must be dictionary types.)
function getTypeByPath(type: Type<unknown>, path: string[]): Type<unknown>;
* @desc Infer type from the given value.
function inferType(value: unknown): Type<unknown>;