Declarative routing for hele.
// If you use this lib as a UMD module, please access the APIs via the `HEle` global.
import { HistoryRouter, HashRouter, Switch, Route, Link } from "hele-router";
import { render, createElement, Fragment } from "hele";
const Greeting = () => <p>Welcome!</p>;
{/* You can pass a `name` prop to a router to specify the name that it
stores itself in the context and pass the same value as `router` props
to links and routes to let them access that router. */}
{/* A history router uses the `history` APIs to route. It accepts a
`noHash` prop which is a boolean telling whether to preserve the hash
representing location. (Default: true) */}
<h1>My App</h1>
{/* matched = exact ? path === props.path : path.includes(props.path) */}
{/* Rendering priority: `component` > `render` > children */}
{/* `component` and children will only be rendered when matched. */}
<Route exact path="/" component={Greeting} />
<Route path="/foo" render={matched => matched && <p>foo</p>} />
<Route path="/bar">
{/* A link renders an anchor element. So, treat it as an anchor tag
except that you can set `back` to true to declare a back link. */}
<Link href="/">Home</Link>
<Link href="/foo">foo</Link>
<Link href="/bar">bar</Link>
<Link back>back</Link>
{/* A hash router uses the hash of the location to route. */}
{/* ... */}
{/* A switch router won't change the location of the document. It
stores its own location. So, it accepts a `path` prop representing
its default path. (Default: '/') */}
{/* ... */}