apt install cmake libpcre2-dev libssh-dev
This will create a rootfs folder with all needed files
Terminal 1 as root
netopeer2-server has to be executed with prvileges rights.
source env.sh
netopeer2-server -d -v 2
Terminal 2 as root
source env.sh
> connect --host localhost --login root
Interactive SSH Authentication
Type your password:
When netopeer2-server cannot be started increase the verbose level and set to debug mode:
netopeer2-server -d -v 2
[ERR]: SR: Failed to open mod shared memory (Permission denied).
[ERR]: SR: Caused by kernel parameter "fs.protected_regular", which must be "0" (currently "2").
[ERR]: NP: Connecting to sysrepo failed (System function call failed).
[ERR]: NP: Server init failed.
[INF]: NP: Server terminated.
From Linux kernel version 4.19 on it’s possible to disallow opening FIFOs or regular files not owned by the user in world writable sticky directories. This setting would have prevented vulnerabilities found in different user space programs the last couple of years. This protection is activated automatically if you use systemd version 241 or higher with Linux 4.19 or higher. If your kernel supports this feature but you are not using systemd 241, you can activate it yourself by setting the right sysctl settings:
To change this temporarely use:
echo 0 > /proc/sys/fs/protected_regular