Pokemon Move Matcher allows users to select a Pokemon (ex. Pikachu) and a move type (ex. water). Returns all the moves of that type that the specified Pokemon can learn.
Technologies Used
- Bootstrap
- DOM manipulation
- Event listeners
- API requests
- For loops
User Stories
- As a user, I want to see an image of the Pokemon, so that I can verify I selected the right Pokemon.
- As a user, I want the page to be mobile friendly, so that I can continue to use the page when I am not on a desktop.
- As a user, I want to be able to search various Pokemon/moves without having to refresh the page, so that the page is easier to use.
Unsolved problems
- Spelling validation
- Table sorting
Major hurdles
- Asynchronicity
- Building out a table through the DOM
- Using a nested for loop to find items that are present in two objects