released this
25 Aug 18:23
NEW: Introduce turbo:frame-render and turbo:frame-load events. [#327 ]
NEW: Display progress bar on form submissions. [#317 ]
NEW: Force frame reload on every link click. [#349 ]
NEW: Allow disabling of Turbo Drive with = false
. [#196 ]
NEW: Propose a replace visit on redirection for native adapters. [#328 ]
FIXED: Scroll to top after form submission rejection. [#312 ]
FIXED: Double clicking links no longer breaks out of Turbo Drive. [#351 ]
FIXED: Double submitting forms no longer breaks out of Turbo Drive. [#353 ]
FIXED: Fix "Referer" header being set to target URL, not current URL. [#345 ]
FIXED: Fix navigation via links contained in shadown dom trees. [#351 ]
FIXED: Fix page loads when refreshing location with anchor. [#324 ]
FIXED: Fix error with form inputs named action. [#342 ]
FIXED: Fix that data-turbo-method links should work even from within a form. [#341 ]
You can’t perform that action at this time.