An extension to embed Youtube e Vimeo videos in showdown documents using markdown syntax
This extension enables embedding youtube videos using markdown's image syntax. Instead of creating a new definition,
it borrows image syntax ![foo][bar.jpg]
to create an inframe pointing to the desired video.
Although it uses the same syntax as images, only valid youtube video links are actually parsed.
Basically it looks for urls that start with:
With npm
npm install showdown-youtube
With bower
bower install showdown-youtube
You can also download the latest release zip or tarball and include it in your webpage, after showdown:
<script src="showdown.min.js">
<script src="showdown-youtube.min.js">
After including the extension in your application, you just need to enable it in showdown.
var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['youtube']});
When using in node, ensure to first require the extension so it can register itself with showdown before any converters try to use it.
var showdown = require('showdown');
var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['youtube']});
var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['youtube']}),
input = '![youtube video](';
html = converter.makeHtml(input);
This should output the equivalent to:
<iframe src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
To use a wrapper for your iframe you can specify the following options after you define your converter:
var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['youtube']});
converter.setOption('yt-useWrapper', true); // uses the default div wrapper
var input = '![youtube video](';
var html = converter.makeHtml(input);
The default wrapper is a div with showdown-youtube-embed-wrapper no id and class. To change these the following can be specified after setting the converter:
var converter = new showdown.Converter({extensions: ['youtube']});
converter.setOption('yt-useWrapper', true); // uses the default wrapper
converter.setOption('yt-wrapperEl', 'p'); // changes the default div wrapper to a paragraph
converter.setOption('yt-enableWrapperId', true); // enables the wrapper to have a custom Id
converter.setOption('yt-wrapperId', 'youtube-embed'); // changes the default showdown-youtube-embed-wrapper id to youtube-embed
converter.setOption('yt-enableWrapperClass', true); // enables the wrapper to have a custom class
converter.setOption('yt-wrapperClass', 'youtube-embeds'); // changes the default showdown-youtube-embed-wrapper id to youtube-embeds
var input = '![youtube video](';
var html = converter.makeHtml(input);
The following CSS can be accompanied with your wrapper to make it fill the width 100% along with an appropriate amount of height:
#showdown-youtube-embed-wrapper {
position: relative;
width: 100%;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: 56.25%;
#showdown-youtube-embed-wrapper > iframe {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
If you change the default ID, make sure to change the CSS aswell.
Since youtube extension uses the image syntax for videos, you can set the video dimensions the same way.
![youtube video]( =800x600)
This should output the equivalent to:
<iframe src="//" width="800px" height="600px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
You can also use units:
![foo]( =100x80) simple, assumes units are in px
![bar]( =100x*) sets the height to "auto"
![baz]( =80%x5em) width of 80% and height of 5em
Youtube extension reads the options from Showdown Core. So, to pass an option, use the methods explained in Showdown's documentation.
Sets the default height of the Youtube iframe.
Sets the default width of the Youtube iframe.
(borrowed from Showdown core)
When using the extension in live editors (for instance, with angularjs), every time the text is changed, a new iframe is created. This leads to a lot of requests done to youtube, which translates as an overall feel of sluggishness. Turning smoothLivePreview on replaces the actual video objects (iframes) with an image placeholder. This way the live editing feels more smooth.
This should only be enabled during live preview and not on the final document.
Only used if smoothLivePreview is on.
Uses a simple black image preview instead of an svg. This is quicker and ensures max compatibility with older browsers.
Default is false
These files are distributed under BSD license. For more information, please check the LICENSE file in the source code.