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A static site generator I built.

General workflow

All source files are placed in /src. When you run gulp develop these files are processed and placed into /dev. The files in /dev can be read by your browser.

Out of the box, gulp develop does several things:

  • Watches any changes in /src and processes these changes to /dev
  • Converts the original tailwind.css file to a browser-legible .css file.
  • Adds any necessary browser prefixes to the .css file so it is compatible on all browsers
  • Converts and collates the .njk files to browser-legible .html files
  • Creates folders based on these html file names and then renames them to index.html
  • Copies any javascript files
  • Copies any fonts
  • Processes all images to various sizes to enable lazy loading and responsive images

When development has finished a gulp production command runs a series of scripts that processes all the /dev files and places them into /public. /public is the final, production ready site.

gulp production does several things to get the files production ready:

  • Runs PurgeCSS to get rid on any unwanted CSS
  • Minimises CSS to make it as lean as possible
  • Minimises and uglifies javascript files
  • Copies all fonts
  • Copies all images

Directory tree and file structure

The directory tree looks like this

src (this holds all source files)
|   |– img
|   |– scripts
|   |– styles
|   |– templates (this holds .njk files which correspond to its .html page)
|      |– partials (this holds the .html templating blocks)
dev (this holds all development files)
|   |– img
|   |– scripts
|    |– styles
public (this is production ready code)
|    |– img
|    |– scripts
|    |– styles 

Geting started

These instructions are for getting the project running on a local development environment.

System requirements

Install plugins

Install all the necessary plug-ins by running npm install in the root of the project folder.

Run your first build

gulp develop

Where to work

You should always be working from /src.

Common commands


  • gulp development processes and watches all /src files and puts them into /dev.

    • gulp css processes .css files in /dev.
    • gulp html processes .njk files in /src and converts them to .html and places them in /dev.
    • gulp scripts processes .js files in /src and places them in /dev.
    • gulp watchTask watches any changes in /src and runs the necessary script.


  • gulp production processes and watches all /dev files and puts them into /public.

    • gulp cssProduction processes .css files in /dev.
    • gulp scriptsProduction uglifies all .js files in /dev

Optional plug-ins

There is another branch of this project called 'optionals'. This branch contains the following optional plugins:

  • SwupJS for animated page transitions
  • gulp-responsive for making multiple resolutions of images
  • LazySizes for lazy loading images
  • gulp-rename for renaming files and directory paths. This is used for renaming html files to index.html and placing them in a folder named after the original filename.


A static site generator that uses Tailwind CSS







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