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CFML ColdBox module to encode and decode webp images.

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WebP is a Coldbox module that provides a simple API for converting images into WebP format. It can also be used to convert WebP images into other formats. It uses the precompiled binaries provided by Google.

Why WebP?

WebP is a modern image format offering superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Google encourages the use of modern image formats, like WebP, as part of their Core Web Vitals initiative. WebP images are typically 25-35% smaller than their JPEG or PNG counterparts, resulting in faster page load times and reduced bandwidth usage. WebP is compatible with all major modern browsers.

WebP Support in ColdFusion


  • Lucee 5+
  • Adobe ColdFusion 2018+
  • Coldbox 6+
  • Windows (for now)
  • <cfexecute> enabled


Within Commandbox type:

box install webp

The module configuration will detect your operating system and point to the appropriate binaries. If you need to override the default configuration, you can do so in your Coldbox.cfc file:

webp = {
    cmdPath : "c:\windows\system32\cmd.exe", // path to cmd.exe
    binPath : "c:\custom-binaries\" // path to your custom binaries


Use Wirebox to inject webp into your handler or service:

property name="webp" inject="webp@webp";

To encode an image into webp format:

    source = "path/to/image.jpg", 
    destination = "path/to/image.webp" 

To decode a webp image into another format:

    source = "path/to/image.webp", 
    destination = "path/to/image.png" 

To get information about a webp image (width, height, etc): 
    source = "path/to/image.webp"

Google currently supports the following output formats: PNG, TIFF, BMP, PPM, PGM, PBM, and PNM. I have no idea why they don't support JPG. If you need to convert a webp image to JPG, first, decode the image as a PNG and then use you can use the cfimage tag or imageWrite() function.

Encode Arguments

The following arguments are available when encoding an image:

Argument Type Default Description
@source String Full path to the source file to convert
@destination String Full path to the output file
@lossless Boolean false Encode the image without any loss
@nearLossless Int (0-100) Specify the level of near-lossless image preprocessing
@quality Int (0-100) 80 Specify the compression factor.
@losslessCompressionMode int (0-9) Switch on lossless compression mode with the specified level
@alphaQuality int(0-100) 100 Specify the compression factor for alpha compression
@preset string Specify the compression preset (default, photo, picture, drawing, icon, text)
@compressionMethod int(0-6) 4 Specify the compression method to use
@cropX int Crop the source X-position
@cropY int Crop the source Y-position
@cropWidth int Crop the source width
@cropHeight int Crop the source height
@resizeWidth int Resize the source to the specified width
@resizeHeight int Resize the source to the specified height
@multiThreaded boolean true Use multi-threading for encoding, if possible
@lowMemory boolean false Reduce memory usage (not recommended)
@size int Target size (in bytes) for the output file
@psnr float Target PSNR (in dB. typically: 42) for the output file
@pass int (1-10) 1 Number of entropy-analysis passes (in [1..10])
@autoFilter boolean false Turns auto-filter on. This algorithm will spend additional time optimizing the filtering strength to reach a well-balanced quality
@jpegLike boolean false Enables JPEG-like image preprocessing. This preprocessing step tries to map visually lossless areas to the lossless compressed domain if possible
@filterStrength int (0-100) Filter strength (between 0 (off) and 100) for the pre-processing step. The larger the value, the stronger the filtering
@filterSharpness int (0-7) Filter sharpness (between 0 (off) and 7)
@filterStrong boolean false Use strong filter
@filterWeak boolean false disable strong filter
@exact boolean false Preserve RGB values in transparent area
@metadata string none metadata to copy from the input to the output if present. Valid values: all, none, exif, icc, xmp
@noAlpha boolean false Discard any transparency information
@sourceHint string Hint for image type (photo, picture, graph)
@verbose boolean false return verbose output
@timeout int 10 Timeout in seconds for cfexecute to finish

See Google's documentation for more details on encoding Webp images.

Decode Arguments

The following arguments are available when decoding an image:

Argument Type Default Description
@source String Full path to the source file to convert
@destination String Full path to the output file
@cropX int Crop the source X-position
@cropY int Crop the source Y-position
@cropWidth int Crop the source width
@cropHeight int Crop the source height
@resizeWidth int Resize the source to the specified width
@resizeHeight int Resize the source to the specified height
flipImage boolean false Flip the image vertically
@multiThreaded boolean true Use multi-threading for encoding, if possible
@verbose boolean false return verbose output
@timeout int 10 Timeout in seconds for cfexecute to finish

See Google's Documentation for more details when decoding Webp images.

Info Arguments

The following arguments are available when getting information for an image:

Argument Type Default Description
@source String Full path to the source file to evaluate

Known Issues

This module currently only works on Windows operating systems. If you have a Mac or Linux machine and would like to contribute, please feel free to submit a PR.

Future Development Roadmap

  • Support Mac
  • Support Linux
  • Create more encode/decode tests using lossless/lossy advanced options

About the Author

This module was devotedly developed by Angry Sam Productions, a web design and development company based in California. We believe creating and contributing to open source software strenghens the development community and makes the world a better place. Please get in touch if you would like to learn more about our company or hire us for your next project.


CFML ColdBox module to encode and decode webp images.






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