Our goal is to allow users to create their own keyboard shortcuts that have python-integrated functionality such as running other sub-modules with the press of a button or rebinding keys to complete complex tasks using other python modules.
Motivation: I, Lawrence, wanted to increase my productivity with a keyboard and reduce the time my hands spend moving away from the home row on my keyboard. I also thought it would be excellent to bind the scripts I write to make me more powerful on my machines.
- Pressing and holding the caps-lock key rebinds every key on the keyboard, entering 'CapMode'
- Releasing both Lshift and Rshift at the same time rebinds every key on the keyboard separately in 'ShiftMode'
- ShiftMode can be toggled via the same shortcut or by entering and leaving 'CapMode'
- Provides a library of common-use functions for keyboard customization
By pressing and holding the caps lock key, CapMode is enabled and rebinds keys. Here are some of the bindings implemented by default:
Key | Action |
j | leftArrow |
k | downArrow |
l | upArrow |
; | rightArrow |
o | move left one desktop |
p | move right one desktop |
' | alt+tab (view previously focused window) |
. | shift one tab to the left |
/ | shift one tab to the right |
n | capitalize the first non-cap letter in a word to the left of your cursor |
m | capitalize the first non-cap letter in a word to the right of your cursor |
s | left one word |
f | right one word |
e | home (beginning of line) |
d | end (end of line) |
r | types a print statement with a debug message |
rAlt | highlight the word to the right of your cursor |
lAlt | highlight the word to the left of your cursor |
space | press and hold to act as shift while in CapMode |
- The crtl mode cannot handle the typing of some characters (emojis). typeCharacter() needs some work. Currently values are hardcoded and that's limited.
TODO: Consider different test taking cases and put an emphasis on being able to solve questions solo.
- e.x. Move the mouse to the top-left and bottom-right of a question and be able to answer it.
- in order to flag a teammate, we should flash numlock on and off
- Focus on both two person and single person tech separately
- Think about how we scale api keys