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This is where we make API calls from users for creating, viewing and updating the donations to charity section of their income tax return.

Running the service locally

You will need to have the following:

The service manager profile is:


Run the following command to start the remaining services locally:

sudo mongod (If not already running)

This service runs on port: localhost:9316

Running Tests

  • Run Unit Tests: sbt test
  • Run Integration Tests: sbt it/test
  • Run Unit and Integration Tests: sbt test it/test
  • Run Unit and Integration Tests with coverage report: sbt runAllChecks
    which runs clean compile scalastyle coverage test it/test coverageReport

Gift-aid endpoints:

  • GET /income-tax/nino/:nino/income-source/charity/annual/:taxYear (Retrieves details for the charity income source over the accounting period which matches the tax year provided)
  • POST /income-tax/nino/:nino/income-source/charity/annual/:taxYear (Provides the ability for a user to submit periodic annual income for charity)

Downstream services:

All donations to charity data is retrieved/updated via the downstream system:

  • DES (Data Exchange Service)

Gift-aid income source

Click here to see an example of a users charity data (JSON)
  "giftAidPayments": {
      "nonUkCharitiesCharityNames": [
        "Charity 1"
      "currentYear": 23426505146.99,
      "oneOffCurrentYear": 80331713889.99,
      "currentYearTreatedAsPreviousYear": 44753493320.99,
      "nextYearTreatedAsCurrentYear": 88970014371.99,
      "nonUkCharities": 77143081269.00
  "gifts": {
      "investmentsNonUkCharitiesCharityNames": [
        "Charity 2"
      "landAndBuildings": 11200049718.00,
      "sharesOrSecurities": 82198960626.00,
      "investmentsNonUkCharities": 24966390172.00

Ninos with stubbed data for gift-aid

Nino Gift-aid data
AA123459A User with gift-aid data
AA637489D User with gift-aid data


This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.