make clean && make
mpirun -np 4 bin/./pr data/rmat10_1024.bin 1024 20
mpirun -np 4 bin/./sssp data/rmat10_1024_w.bin 1024 0
mpirun -np 4 bin/./bfs data/rmat10_1024.bin 1024 0
mpirun -np 4 bin/./cc data/rmat10_1024.bin 1024
Mohammad Hasanzadeh Mofrad, Rami Melhem, Yousuf Ahmad and Mohammad Hammoud. “Efficient Distributed Graph Analytics using Triply Compressed Sparse Format.” In proceedings of IEEE Cluster Computing (CLUSTER), Albuquerque, NM USA, 2019.
Mohammad Hasanzadeh Mofrad
[email protected]