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Hitobito Tenants

This hitobito wagon adds database multi-tenancy to hitobito. Each tenant gets an own subdomain and an own database with the same name.

This wagon does not contain any group or role definitions, so another wagon is required to actually run it.


It is preferable to develop directly with a MySQL database instead of the standard Sqlite3 DB.

After adjusting your Wagonfile, create a new development database:

bin/with_mysql rake db:create db:setup:all

Start the Rails server to listen on all names:

bin/with_mysql rails s -b0.0.0.0

Add entries for all your tenants in the /etc/hosts file:      admin.hitobito.local tenant1.hitobito.local tenant2.hitobito.local

Then open the application in your browser at admin.hitobito.local:3000.

Tenants are created in delayed jobs, so do not forget to run them, too:

bin/with_mysql rake jobs:work


Deploy the application as usual with a regular database configuration. This database will be the global/admin instance, managing the other tenants.

Set RAILS_HOST_NAME to the main domain part (e.g. for tenant subdomains like All non-existing subdomains will be redirected to this main domain.

Set RAILS_ADMIN_SUBDOMAIN for the subdomain that accesses the global database. Default is 'admin'.

Set RAILS_EXCLUDED_SUBDOMAINS to a comma-separated list of subdomain names that will not be allowed as tenant names, e.g. 'www, mail'. The admin subdomain is automatically in this list.

Managing Tenants

Tenants are created and removed in the 'Settings' section in the frontend, triggering a background job that sets up the database, subdomain and so on. For each new tenant, a default admin user is created for the initial login. This user will also receive the no-reply mailing list emails.

Hence, clients may directly login with [email protected] / ändere_mich, change the name and email address to their own and then change the password on the login screen.

In the rails console, you can switch the app to a specific tenant by executing

> Apartment::Tenant.switch!('tenant')

Switching back can be done with

> Apartment::Tenant.switch!