HMKit OEM functionality can be achieved via hmkit-crypto-telematics package. Released in mavenCentral(). crypto-telematics is written in Java, without JNI. For that reason it is favored to hmkit-oem.
Use methods createTelematicsContainer and getPayloadFromTelematicsContainer instead of encrypt/decrypt in this repository.
Also see migration sample
HMKit OEM is used to encrypt/decrypt commands that are sent to/from OEM cloud.
General: HMKit OEM is a Java library that handles encrypting commands between OEM and High-Mobility. Security is implemented via JNI to the HMKit Core C module.
hmkit-oem: Contains HMKit OEM Java classes.
hmkit-core-jni: Contains JNI classes to HMKit Core.
hmkit-crypto: Contains crypto classes and functions.
hmkit-utils: Contains general helper methods and classes.
- Linux environment. Contact High-Mobility if you require binaries for other systems.
Get started with HMKit Android 📘browse the documentation.
Before starting please read our contribution rules 📘Contributing
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Build the HMKit Core:
cd hmkit-oem/src/main/jni && make && cd -
- import the Gradle project
- Run the tests
- If there are errors, try
Gradle clean
,File > Invalidate caches and restart
All of the HMKit Android packages can be released from this project. This includes hmkit-android, hmkit-core-jni, hmkit-crypto, hmkit-utils.
Pre checks
- Run the unit tests in
- Update the "version = 1.5.0" in all of the deploy.settings files(if needed).
- Set the release environment in root build.gradle (ext property release = 0/1/2).
- Call
./gradlew artifactoryPublish
to release all of the packages. - Call
./gradlew :hmkit-utils:artifactoryPublish
to release a specific package. - If releasing to prod, also call
./gradlew bintrayUpload
If pushing the same version number, the package will be overwritten in dev, rejected in release.
This repository is using MIT licence. See more in 📘LICENCE