I am an economic researcher who specializes in econometrics and statistical techniques involving big data. My contributions spanned studies on topics such as the dynamics of import competition, the public’s view of The IMF and the World Bank, and real-time inflation tracking via e-commerce analytics.
- dotfiles: Personal linux dotfiles, managed using GNU stow. The most important module is my Emacs configuration.
- QuantMacro.jl: A collection of Julia code to be used in analyzing dynamic economic models
- Ayagari.jl: Julia code that solves the Aiyagari model of inequality and wealth distribution with incomplete markets
- price-webscraping: Automated price webscaping from Vietnam e-commerce websites
I enjoy experimenting with visualization in my projects. Here are some that I like:
(Video) Visualization of the Boids algorithm with exponential growth lanternfish (from Advent of Code Challenge 2021) |
Coverage of U.S. local news | Consumption-capital dynamics in a neo-classical growth model |
Voting alignment between UN members and China (left), Russia (middle), and the U.S. (right) |