This extension allows you to go to an Active Google Meet tab.
- While attending the meet along with work, we face difficulty to find Active google meet tab in all open tabs
- Other might think we are not present in meeting
- This chrome-extension help us to find the active tab of google meet with one click and also exit you from meet with one shortcut
Activate : Ctrl/⌘ + ←
Leave & Close tab : Ctrl/⌘ + ↓
Close remaining tabs : Ctrl/⌘ + →
Reopen last tab : Ctrl/⌘ + ↑
[chrome://extensions/shortcuts] (Search this in chrome bar)
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- Clone the project to your own machine.
- Commit changes to development branch.
- Push your work back up to your fork.
- Submit a Pull request so that I can review your changes
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Building with the COMMUNITY for the COMMUNITY ❤️