In this repo you can find my personal nvim dotfiles. The project uses nix flakes, with the support of the nixvim distribution. This project utilizes nixvim to provide a streamlined Neovim experience. It is designed to enhance your development workflow with a variety of features.
- Language Server Protocols for several languages. This helps go from editor to IDE, with features like:
- Code completion suggestions based on context and syntax.
- Real-time error checking and linting as you type.
- Intelligent code navigation, including go-to definition and find references.
- Refactoring tools that simplify code modifications and improvements.
- Hover documentation that provides quick access to function and variable descriptions.
- Support for code formatting to maintain consistent style across projects.
- Tree-sitter integration: This provides advanced syntax highlighting and parsing capabilities, enabling features such as accurate and context-aware code highlighting and navigation.
- AI tools integration: Copilot and ChatGPT.
- All the advantages of nix and flakes. For example:
- reproducibility
- declarative configuration and dependencies
- pinning of dependencies
- Snippets and completion:
- Quick insertion of commonly used code patterns, reducing repetitive typing.
If for some reason you want to run my nvim config you can execute the following nix run command:
nix run github:haztecaso/neovim-flake
To access the package, you can include this flake as an input:
inputs = {
neovim-flake.url = "github:dc-tec/neovim-flake"
Then add the following to your configuration:
environment.systemPackages = [
- This configuration takes heavy inspiration from redyf/Neve.
- niksingh710/nvix inspired me in the division of packages.