Welcome! I am a student working on a bachelor's degree in computer science with the goal of becoming a software engineer. Here is some information about me and this page:
- Python
- x86 Assembly Language
- Javascript
- C
Notable Projects:
- Battleship Game (Python): This program contains a class called ShipGame that allows two people to play the game Battleship. Each player has their own 10x10 grid they place their ships on. On their turn, they can fire a torpedo at a square on the enemy's grid. Player 'first' gets the first turn to fire a torpedo, after which players alternate firing torpedos. A ship is sunk when all of its squares have been hit. When a player sinks their opponent's final ship, they win.
- Full Stack MERN Exercise App: Uses the MERN stack to write a single page application that tracks exercises completed by the user. It uses React for the
front-end UI app and a REST API using Node and Express for the back-end web service. MongoDB is used for persistence. - Python Data Structures: Contains data structures including hash maps, binary search trees, dynamic arrays, and binary heaps.
Completed Coursework:
- Introduction to Computer Science 1
- Introduction to Computer Science 2
- Computer Architecture and Assembly Language
- Discrete Mathematics
- Web Development
- Data Structures
- Software Engineering 1
Current Coursework:
- Open Source Software
- Software Engineering 2
- Databases
Comntact Information:
- Email: [email protected]