A simple lib for iOS IAP.
pod 'ez_iap'
#import <ez_iap/IAPApi.h>
// Declare that the IAP delegate implements the EZIAPDelegate protocol.
@interface PluginIAP : PluginBase<EZIAPDelegate>
// if YES, IAPApi will autoverfify the receipt, default NO;
// Recommended use server authentication!
[IAPApi Instance].autoVerify = YES;
// set to debugMode or not, default NO;
[IAPApi Instance].debugMode = YES;
[IAPApi Instance].delegate = self;
4. Implement the EZIAPDelegate protocol to handle the iap process by defining the following methods:
#pragma mark -
#pragma mark EZIAPDelegate
- (void) payResult:(NSDictionary*)payInfo{
payInfo = {
productIdentifier:"xxxx", //same as ‘productID’
billNO:"zzzz", // A billNO you send to IAP
transactionIdentifier:"yyyy", // appstore transactionIdentifier
receipt:"KKKKK", // appstore payment receipt
// If the payment is successful, the next step is to verify the order.
// If autoverify = true, it will be completed automatically
[self nativeEventHandler:@"pay_success" andParams:[JSONUtil stringify:payInfo]];
- (void) verifyResult:(NSString*)billNO andProductID:(NSString*)productID andResult:(NSDictionary*)verfyInfo{
// receipt verify Result
// Verfyinfo is the result of Apple's order, you can check the order status and paymentInfo;
- (void) productList:(NSArray*)list{
// appleconnect payment list
- (void) IAPFailed:(NSString*)billNO andProductID:(NSString*)productID widthError:(NSError*)error{
NSMutableDictionary *ret = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary];
if (error){
NSLog(@"[PluginIAP] %@ %@ error = %@",productID,billNO,error);
NSString *desc = [error localizedDescription];
switch (error.code) {
case SKErrorPaymentCancelled:
desc = @"The payment has been cancelled.";
case SKErrorPaymentInvalid:
desc = @"Purchase identifier was invalid.";
case SKErrorStoreProductNotAvailable:
desc = @"Product is not available in the current storefront.";
[PluginCore alert:@"Message" andMsg:desc];
[ret setObject:desc forKey:@"msg"];
[ret setObject:billNO forKey:@"billNO"];
[ret setObject:productID forKey:@"productID"];
[self nativeEventHandler:@"pay_error" andParams:[JSONUtil stringify:ret]];
* request pay
* @param product productIdentifier
* @param billNO you billNO (a string which can identify the user)
[[IAPApi Instance] buy:{productId} billNo:{billNO}];
* Get product list of app store
* @param productArray 产品id数组
[[IAPApi Instance] getProductList:{productArray}];
IAPApi *api = [IAPApi Instance];
[api verifyReceipt:receiptStr andDebug:NO withResultHandler:^(NSError *error, NSDictionary *response) {
if (error){
[self nativeCallbackErrorHandler:callback andParams:[error localizedDescription] ];
[self nativeCallbackHandler:callback andParams:[JSONUtil stringify:response]];
[email protected] 2020/10/26