Harness plugin for parsing test reports. The plugin will exit with exit status 1
if there are any tests failing in directories matching the input globs. The plugin currently only supports JUnit XML test reports.
Build the binary with the following commands:
$ go build
Build the Docker image with the following commands:
$ GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 go build
$ docker buildx build -f docker/Dockerfile -t harnesscommunity/parse-test-reports:latest --platform=linux/amd64 --load .
Execute from the working directory:
$ docker run -e PLUGIN_TEST_GLOBS="folder1/*.xml, folder2/*.xml" harnesscommunity/parse-test-reports:latest
Execute the plugin in Harness pipeline:
- step:
type: Plugin
name: Parse Test Reports Plugin
identifier: Parse_Test_Reports_Plugin
connectorRef: dockerConnector
image: harnesscommunity/parse-test-reports:latest
test_globs: folder1/*.xml, folder2/*.xml
Below is the example with ‘fail_on_quarantine’ = true
- step:
type: Plugin
name: Test Analysis Plugin
identifier: Plugin_1
connectorRef: Plugins_Docker_Hub_Connector
image: plugins/test-analysis:latest
test_globs: sample1/*.xml, sample2/*.xml
quarantine_file: quarantinelist.yaml
fail_on_quarantine: true
- step:
identifier: verify_output_variables
type: Run
name: Verify Output Variables
shell: Sh
command: |-
echo "Test Analysis Plugin Results:"
echo "Total Tests: <+steps.Plugin_1.output.outputVariables.TOTAL_TESTS>"
echo "Passed Tests: <+steps.Plugin_1.output.outputVariables.PASSED_TESTS>"
echo "Failed Tests: <+steps.Plugin_1.output.outputVariables.FAILED_TESTS>"
echo "Skipped Tests: <+steps.Plugin_1.output.outputVariables.SKIPPED_TESTS>"
echo "Error Tests: <+steps.Plugin_1.output.outputVariables.ERROR_TESTS>"