Add option for changing the value of an existing key.Abstract messages away with the help of functions dealing with receiving and sending them:% Done using gen_serverstart_link/0 -> () -> avoid user do thisCache = spawn(cache, process, [[]]).
store/2 -> (NewKey, NewValue)update/2 -> (ExistingKey, NewValue) (first point must be done first)lookup/1 -> (ExistingKey)list/0 -> ()
Add Unit TestsAdd time management
1> c(cache).
2> cache:start_link().
3> cache:store(foo, 123).
4> cache:store(bar, 456).
5> cache:list().
6> cache:update(bar, 789).
7> cache:list().
8> cache:lookup(foo).
9> cache:lookup(foobar).
10> cache:lookup(foo).
{error,{key_not_found,foo}} %% Cache time expired (comment added manually)