CLI and http server, for reversed geocoding, address lookup, and image rendering. for varies providers, in a common format.
command flags
- port - server address for the http server to listen on.
- bing-key - if specifed request using bing doesn't need to provider a key, otherwise it will default to env: GOGEO_BING
- google-key - if specifed request using google doesn't need to provider a key, otherwise it will default to env: GOGEO_GOOGLE
- mapquest-key - if specifed request using maprequest doesn't need to provider a key, otherwise it will default to env: GOGEO_MAPQUEST
GET /{goggle,bing or mapquest}/{json,yml or xml}
- addr - The street address that you want to geocode.
- loc - format: {latitude,longitude} location to lookup
- key - (optional) api key can be set though the command line
note: ecurrently google is the only implemented provider with images. working on the rest.
GET /google/png
- addr - The street address that you want to geocode.
- size (optional) image size: can be specified as {width}x{height} or {size}
- zoom (optional)
- scale (optional)
- key - (optional) api key