Alternative to fullpage.js Demo:
Create a new pagescroller instance of a given container (container id) and a minimum screenheight for the effects to enable. This container should contain section-elements which will be the pages.
const pageScroller = new PageScroller('page-container', 400);
Set properties:
- set easing function of all the page transitions
easingForAll: {
func: "easeOutQuart",
- set easing function of one the page transitions
easing: [
from: '0',
to: '1',
func: 'linearTween'
from: '1',
to: '2',
func: 'easeInOutQuart',
Ommiting the 'to' property will apply the easing function when scrolling up and down from the page specified in 'from'.
- Define an action after transitioning to another page
actionOn: [
pageIndex: "1",
action: () => {
console.log('This could be an animation happening on section 1.')
- Enable window reset to first page after refresh
reset: "true"
- When dragging the screen on mobile, set a percentage of the screenheight which is the treshold of when to go to the next screen or stay on the current one.
dragTreshold: 0.2
- Adding an action when a transition start is as follows:
whileTransitioning: [
from: '2',
to: '1',
callback: () => console.log('This happens while transitioning from section 2 to 1.'),
Ommiting the 'to' property will apply the transition when scrolling up and down from the page specified in 'from'.
- Adding an action before a transition start is as follows. Callback should always return a promise.
beforeTransitioning: [
from: '1',
to: '0',
callback: () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
console.log('This is before the transition from 0 to 1.')
setTimeout(() => {
- When you want to scroll to a specific page, like a menu or a to top button, do as follows:
const toTopBtn = document.getElementById('to-top-btn');
toTopBtn.addEventListener('click', () => {
Using a navigation for the pages is recommended as it allows the user to quickly scan the page without heving to wit for every animation.