Use the native AppsFlyer SDK's (iOS/Android) in Titanium!
- iOS 12 or later
- Android 5 or later
- Titanium SDK 9.2.0 or later
- An AppsFlyer account
devKey: 'YOUR_DEV_KEY',
appID: 'idXXXXXXXXX', // iOS only, set to your App Store ID
authorizationTimeout: 60, // iOS only, used to defer the start() process
debug: true
AppsFlyer.requestTrackingAuthorization({ status }) => {
// For example, status === 3 is "authorized"
console.warn('AUTHORIZED: ', AppsFlyer.trackingAuthorizationStatus === 3);
AppsFlyer.fetchAdvertisingIdentifier({ idfa }) => {
// Use the IDFA (iOS) or AID (Android)
AppsFlyer.logEvent('my_event', { param1: 'hello', param2: 'world' });
See the example/app.js for details
Hans Knöchel