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Ehrscape Provisioner

Build Status

This app is built and deployed by Travis CI to Openshift, the resulting deploy can be found at It is designed to be used to automatically provision an ehrscape instance with sample data, such as patient, EHR, template and composition.



From the index page of the app, you can enter your Ehrscape username and password, click Go! and watch it run through the various requests to provision your domain with a sample patient, EHR, template and composition.


Single patient

If you would like to carry out the same provision using an API call then use an HTTP client of your choice (such as Postman) and create a POST request to /api/provision/single-patient with the request body specified as:

  "username": "my_username",
  "password": "my_password"

The default base URL for the ehrscape instance is but can be overridden by also supplying it in the request body. The default subject namespace is uk.nhs.hospital_number but this can also be overridden in the same way. See the following example: -

  "username": "my_username",
  "password": "my_password",
  "baseUrl": "https://my.ehrscape.url/rest/v1/",
  "subjectNamespace": "uk.nhs.nhs_number"

Multiple patient

You can use the API endpoint /api/provision/multiple-patient to provision multiple patients from a CSV file. Currently the following requests will be made to upon POSTing to the API: -

  • Create session
  • Upload template (Allergies)
  • Upload template (Procedures)
  • Upload template (Problems)
  • Upload template (Lab results)
  • Upload template (Orders)
  • Per patient in the CSV file
    • Create patient
    • Create EHR
    • Get EHR (Only if Create EHR returns 400, indicting an EHR already exists)
    • Update EHR
    • Upload composition (Orders)
    • Upload composition (Allergies)
    • Upload composition (Procedures)
    • Upload composition (Lab results)
    • Upload composition (Problems)
  • Upload template (Vital signs)
  • Import CSV (Vital signs)

The result of the API post will be a JSON object like the following:

  "status": "SUCCESSFUL",
  "numberOfRequests": 265,
  "requests": [] // array of all requests made, including url, request body, time taken, response status code and body

Due to an issue trying to provision all patients at once the patients CSV file has been split into 5, each called patients[num].csv. By default it will use patients1.csv, but this can be overridden as follows: -

  "username": "my_username",
  "password": "my_password",
  "baseUrl": "https://my.ehrscape.url/rest/v1/",
  "subjectNamespace": "uk.nhs.nhs_number",
  "patientsFile": "patients1.csv"



These instructions assume you have docker installed and running

To run locally using docker run

docker run -v ${PWD}:/src -it -p 3000:8080 davet1985/ehrscape-provisioner

To run using nodemon, to watch for file changes and automatically restart the server, use

docker run -v ${PWD}:/src -it -p 3000:8080 davet1985/ehrscape-provisioner nodemon /src/bin/www

If you need to rebuild the image, use

docker build -t davet1985/ehrscape-provisioner .


To run locally for development ensure you have the following installed.

  • node.js, we are using version 0.10

For mac I would recommend installing Node Version Manager (nvm) through homebrew.

brew install nvm
nvm install node
nvm use node

Node comes with a version of NPM but to make sure it's up-to-date run npm install -g npm

Then a couple of node modules need to be installed globally, to do this run: -

npm install -g gulp
npm install -g bower

From here you should be able to run npm start and it will download all the necessary node modules, bower components and gulp will do it's thing and the server should be running on http://localhost:8080.

Development Options

You might want to install nodemon (npm install -g nodemon) and run using nodemon bin/www - this will watch for file changes and automatically restart the server for you.

To watch and compile assets (javascript and SASS) and run unit tests you should also have a terminal open running gulp watch.


To run the tests once run gulp test from your terminal. To watch for changes and re-run tests automatically use gulp watch as stated above or gulp watch-test to only watch and run the tests, and not assets.


NHS Code4Health Ehrscape domain provisioning tool







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