Sync all of your repositories between your computer and BitBucket. You might want to backup all of your repositories. Or keep them in sync between your office network and the cloud. Or when you are travelling.
You can use the script either with Buildout or Virtualenv.
The script uses netrc to store the credentials needed to access Bitbucket API.
Example ~/.netrc
login foo
password bar
Usage: bbsync [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
--config TEXT
--help Show this message and exit.
clear Remove working area from all directories.
fetch Fetch repositories from Bitbucket.
ghsync Sync all repos to Github.
groups Grant access for group to repository.
hg2git Commit identical copy from hg to git.
show Shows a list of all repositories in bitbucket
sync Sync all repos to Bitbucket.
tree Shows a tree of all repositories in bitbucket
workarea Sync local workarea to Bitbucket.