Resources and analysis shared by "Widespread dose-dependent effects of RNA expression and splicing on complex diseases and traits".
The results underlying these analyses can be found in
Finemapping on eQTL and sQTL: computed using DAP-G
GWAS and sQTL/sQTL integration. This zenodo package contains the following:
- coloc results on eQTL, using priors computed from enloc enrichment
- enloc results on eQTL/sQTL, using only individuals of European Ancestry and variants with MAF>0.01. GWAS regions from ldetect, lifted over to hg38
- expression and splicing prediction models using fine-mapping and smoothed across tissues using MASHR effect sizes. Download from here
- predicted expression and splicing associations (S-MultiXcan and S-Predixcan, here). Model training, GWAS harmonization and imputation available here
- SMR eQTL and sQTL results
- SMR sQTL results
- Abhiram Rao also made sqlite db formatted verision of the SMR results
Elastic Net Prediction models: This provides robust, if less powerful, models than the new MASHR-based models. Provided for compatibility.
Harmonized/imputed GWAS: The underlying GWAS summary statistics harmonized and imputed to GTEx v8 is available in this Zenodo repository.
The code for the manuscript's analyses is available here as R scripts with the following dependencies:
- bigrquery
- tidyverse
- upsetR
To use BigQuery, it is helpful to install Google Cloud SDK and have read access to the required Google Cloud tables.
The markdows can be built from an R session executing:
The R scripts can be run from a bash session:
Rscript code/figures/figure_enloc_all_vs_eur.R
Support scripts:
folder contains miscellaneous R functions and definitions used throughtout the analyses.code/helpers/_helpers_big_query_tables.R
contains a centralized definition of Bigquery tables to be used by other scripts.
folder contains scripts that were ran once to setup auxiliary data.code/preprocess/preprocess_gwas_regions.R
counts detections per loci (independent LD regions) that will be used as inputs for other analyses.code/preprocess/preprocess_setup_auxiliary_tables.R
builds auxiliary tables in big querycode/preprocess/preprocess_mediation_analysis.R
builds data for primary vs secondary concordance analysis. Can download the data
Main Paper material:
figure comparing ENLOC RCP when using all individuals vs using European only (Main Paper, suppl fig 24)
Companion paper material:
Generates latex tables to be included in the paper. At the moment:- Supplementary Table S1: the list of 87 selected traits
- Supplementary Table S2: expression and splicing models tally
: Numbers summarising numbers of genes, gene-tissue pairs, etc.code/figures/gwas_imputation_deflation.R
figure showing the deflation of GWAS' p-value distribution after imputation for 27 traits (Supplementary Figure S4)code/figures/gwas_imputation_quality.R
scatter plot of original vs imputed GWAS zscores (Supplementary Figure S3)code/figures/predixcan_enloc_eqtl_sqtl.R
plots summarising loci detection per emthod (Supplementary Figure S17, S18, S19, S20)code/figures/models_gain.R
plots a comparison of numbers of models between Elastic Net models and MASHR-based modelscode/figures/proportions_bundle.R
plots the proportion of enloc and s-predixcan detections (Supplementary Figure S14-A,B,C,D)code/figures/upset_mashr_gwas_enloc_spredixcan.R
generates upset plots underlying Supplementary Figure S15 (S-PrediXcan/enloc loci with MASHR models)code/figures/upset_mashr_gwas_enloc_spredixcan.R
generates upset plots underlying Supplementary Figure S16 (S-PrediXcan/enloc loci with Elastic Net models)- For more details about figure please go to
: This R markdown generates miscellaneous statistics and summaries from other methods results. i.e. This tallies summaries from S-PrediXcan results, enloc results; numbers of genomic loci with detections, etc.analysis/gwas_enloc_predixcan_multixcan.Rmd
: analyzes GWAS, S-PrediXcan, S-MultiXcan, enloc results and builds upset plots. This overlaps a bity with the previous markdown. Also Figure 5-e
A workflowr project.
scatter plot of beta prim vs. sec for Whole Blood, Europeans, rcp>0.1 (Figure 3-C)code/figures/SFIG-CONCORDANCE-MEDIATING-EFFECTS-RANK-BY-EFFECT-SIZE.R
scatter plot, residual plot, and p-value (Supplementary Figure S13)