Searchable directory of APIs from companies sponsoring HackTX.
Virtualenv is highly recommended to manage dependencies. This code uses Frozen-Flask to automatically generate the static pages for hosting on Github Pages. To change the APIs available, you can either directly edit the app/data.json
file (not the one at the root level of the directory), or run the app
In the root level of your cloned directory:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
In the root level of your cloned directory:
cd app
python -m flask run
You should then be able to access a web interface to input the API and Challenges for the companies.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure to upload your image files to the /app/static/img/ files directory so that the company image will show.
Sometimes, you will be unable to quit your instance. In order to kill the instance, make sure to do
4762 ttys000 0:00.26 python -m flask run
and kill the pid that is associated to python -m flask run
kill <pid>
When you are done with adding all your APIs/Challenges, make sure you're in the /app directory and run
This will populate the data.json file outside of /app and update index.html to contain all the api and challenge information.