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pearl - An enhanced shell bash framework

*source* *<path/to/pearl>/pearl*

*bash --rcfile <path/to/pearl>/pearl*

*pearl* is an enhanced and lightweight shell framework that allows
to improve the way of using the shell Bash GNU/Linux and automate many daily
activities of the system administrator. Basically, *pearl* contains
several variables, functions, aliases, configuration files and commands
out of the box. *pearl* also contains important configurations files
vimrc, bashrc, inputrc and many others.

The main goal of pearl is to provide for both expert and beginner users a
starting point respectively, for using quickly the shell terminal and learning
how to create customized functions, aliases and managing configuration files of the
main open source programs. *pearl* is not meant to give a static configuration
for the users but it provides the freedom to customize as much as they want.

Only in the best shell you will find a pearl!

There are two ways for installing pearl depending if the user
has either the root permission or not. This is due to the fact that *pearl*
appears extremely useful also in case the user has a non-root
access to a remote server but, the user wants all the advantages of using
*pearl*. Anyway, there is a bash function called *s* (more details in COMMANDS section),
that allows to automatically install *pearl* before accessing to a SSH session!

If you use Archlinux you can install it from the AUR typing:

$ yaourt -S pearl
$ source /opt/pearl/pearl
Open a new terminal and a *pearl* will be directly activated.

In the future there will be a Launchpad repository for distributions

Probably the best way of installing *pearl* is to place it in a hidden subdirectory
of $$~$$. If you do not have root permission, you can directly install *pearl* by the
git repository. Type the following commands:
$ git clone 'git://' $HOME/.pearl
$ source $HOME/.pearl/pearl

If you are using *pearl* for the first time you probably do not have the
configuration directory in '$$~$$/.config/.pearl'. In this case, the command
'pearl_settings' will be executed. 'pearl_settings' will ask you if you want to
apply new config for the files '.bashrc', '.vimrc', '.inputrc', '.screenrc', '.Xdefaults',
'.gvimrc', '.gitconfig', '.gitignore'.
It consists
just on appending a line for each of those files. This new configuration are not mandatory
but they are strongly recommended (see below to have information about the vim, bash and
readline configurations made by *pearl*)

You can easily change or reset the settings of pearl whenever you want executing 'pearl_settings' again.
You can also install *pearl* in other place different from your home.

If you choose to install the *pearl* configurations and you open a new terminal the following scripts will be executed:

	. '.bashrc'::
	*pearl* append a new line in '.bashrc' in order to startup *pearl* once a terminal is opened.
	. 'pearl'
	*pearl* introduce every alias, variable and script that the *pearl* commands need for the correct execution.
	. 'pearlrc'::
	Contains all the configuration that you need to set after the execution of *pearl*.
	This can be useful when you want directly edit some alias, variable or script of *pearl*.

In case *pearl* was installed with root permission, *pearl* can be updated using the
same package manager of the system. If *pearl* was installed using Git repository,
*pearl* provides a handy command to help you update it 'pearl_update'.

There is no reason to uninstall *pearl*, it is too awesome :). Anyway, *pearl* provides
a nice function 'pearl_uninstall' that uninstall completely in a really clear way *pearl* itself.

*pearl* applies several new configuration for vim, bash and inputrc. This
operation allows to get better experience of your shell. 

*pearl* introduces a sourcing into your own .vimrc file configuration at the
end of the file. You can just uncomment it if you do not want this *pearl*
This configuration allow to have all the functionality you need in 
This is particular useful when you want to type file in remote server so as
having all the feature you are used to. Here is a small list of the
feature enabled in VIM:

*Highlights and autocompletion*::
    For java, python, javascript, html, css, c/c+$$+$$,xml and more;
*Smart Home*::
    The key 'Home' has the special power of moving the cursor to the
    first character of the line;
*Indent Folding*::
    Allows to use folding when the file is indented. Use 'za' to toggle 
    a fold it's the only command worth it;
*Moving among windows*::
    - *Up* -> 'Cntrl+k'
    - *Down* -> 'Cntrl+j'
    - *Left* -> 'Cntrl+h'
    - *Right* -> 'Cntrl+l'
*Resizing current window*::
    - *Increase vertically* -> '+'
    - *Decrease vertically* -> '-'
    - *Increase horizontally* -> '>'
    - *Decrease vertically* -> '<'
    - *Maximize* -> '_'
    - *Select Language* -> '\ol'
    - *Select spell file* -> '\of'
    - *Correct word* -> '\os' or 'Cntrl+x s' (in insert mode)
    - *Remove spelling* -> '\or'
    - *Add word in dict* -> '\oa'
    - *Go to next error* -> '\on'
    - *Go to previous error* -> '\op'
*Search and replace*::
    - *Search and replace* -> '\r'
*File choosers*::
    - *Explore* -> '\e'
    - *Ranger* -> '\o'
    - *New session* -> '\sa' (automatically saved in ~/.vim/sessions)
    - *Open session* -> '\so'
    - *Remove session* -> '\sr'
*Nerd Commenter*
    - *Comment* -> 'Cntrl-,'
    - *View task window* -> '\t'
    - *View outline window* -> '\p'
*Buffer explorer*::
    - *Select buffer* -> '\b'
    - *Open vertical window* -> '\v'
    - *Open horizontal window* -> '\h'

To get improved the VIM configuration you have to install some
optional plugins:

*Nerd Commenter*::
    To comment lines for all file types;
    Look for TODOs in the current file;
    It's an outline for all the signature of function,
*Buffer Explorer*::
    Allow easily to change between buffers;
*Super Tab*::
    Integrate all the VIM feature using only the TAB key;
    Analyzes Python code looking for bugs;
    Vim plugin which highlights common Python errors;
    For a list of keyword in Python.

*pearl* introduces a sourcing into your own .bashrc file configuration at the
end of the file. You can just uncomment it if you do not want this *pearl*

In this way *pearl* automatically startup when opening a new shell.

*pearl* introduces a sourcing into your own '.inputrc' file configuration at the
end of the file. You can just uncomment it if you do not want this *pearl*
The most important feature applied with inputrc are:

    - Case insensitive typing directories;
    - Typing the prefix of an old command you will get the entire command once
      typing the up/down arrows or Cntrl-p/Cntrl-n keys.

*pearl* introduces a sourcing into the config file of ranger
There are several commands for ranger that *pearl* introduces:

    Move to trash the selected files
*:trash* [*-s* || *--show*]::
    Show the trash
*:trash* [*-e* || *--empty*]::
    Empty the trash

*:sync <num>*::
    Sync the selected files on the entry <num>
*:sync* [*-l* || *--list*]::
    Show the list of the sync entries
    To know all the available option type: *sync -h*.
    For more details see the SYNC section below.

    Create symlinks of the selected files into sync directory
*:symc -u*::
    Remove the symlinks of the selected files
*:symc* [*-s* || *--show*]::
    Show the sync directory
    Allows to sync the files selected creating symlinks instead of copying them 
    into the SYNC_HOME specified in $$~$$/.config/pearl/pearlrc.
    For more details see the SYMC section below.

    Extract the files contained from to the selected compress files.

*:compress* 'FILE.EXT'::
    Compress the selected files into 'FILE.EXT' where EXT can be any compress
    extension (.tar.gz .zip .rar ...).

A note worth to be noticed is that the gitconfig creates a file in 
$$~$$/.gitignore in order to have a general gitignore file. You can put all
the extension files that do not need to be pushed into any git repositories.

Here there is a list of the most important commands of *pearl*. There are
also other useful commands for Archlinux such as:
    Very small program similar to yaourt.
    Lists all the installed package ordered by the size or the installation

Please, check out in the 'bin' directory of *pearl* root directory to see
all the available commands.

Allows to list all your favorite bookmark paths. It is aliased in the classical
cd built-in command. Type *cd --help* to see all the available options.

Example of using:

    *$ cd -g* 4::
    Changes to the directory in the fourth entry.

    *$ cd*::
    Lists all the entries.

    *$ cd -a* .::
    Adds the current directory into the table.

    *$ cd -r* 4::
    Removes the fourth entry.

Integration with Ranger application
CD stores the entries in '$$~$$/.config/ranger/bookmark' to be integrated with
Ranger. So, if you add an entry directly with ranger you will see it in cd
command too.

The classic *screen* command is wrapped using a bash function that adds a new option '-g'.
It creates a new screen in the directory specified according the bookmark files.
Moreover, if a screen already exists for such directory, it recalls the same screen.
It is extremely useful when you want to use screen as an *IDE* and to recall your project
whenever you want. Cool!
If you are using multiple terminals and you call an already attached screen in another terminal,
it automatically detaches and reattaches into the new terminal. The session name of each screen,
listed using '-list' option, is called according to the related directory.
In order to close all windows of a screen session the option '-k' can be used. It basically executes
the command 'quit' of screen for the specified session.
Furthermore, when using screen with '-g' option a nice statusbar will appear in the bottom of the terminal.

Example of using:

    *$ screen -g* 0*::
    Creates a new screen to the directory specified in the bookmark with entry 0.
    If the screen already exists it recall the old screen.

    *$ screen -list*::
    Lists the already created lists.

    *$ screen -k 0*::
    Close the session for the bookmark with entry 0.

Allows recursively to search for TODOs inside every files in the directories
specified by the user. It is also possible to add new generics TODOs in the
default file. Type *todo --help* to see all the available options.

Example of using:

    *$ todo*::
    Lists the generics TODOs and the TODOs contained into every files in the
    directories specified by the user.

    *$ todo* 'This is a new TODO'::
    Adds a new TODO into the default file.

    *$ todo -r* 'NUM'::
    Removes the TODO specified by the user.

    *$ todo -a* '<new/path>'::
    Adds a new path to look for TODOs.

    *$ todo -l*::
    Lists the available paths.

    *$ todo -d* 'NUM'::
    Removes the paths specified by the entry.

Integration with Ranger
TODO stores all the scan
paths in '$$~$$/.config/ranger/bookmark' in order to be integrated with Ranger.
The user can sign a directory to be scanned for TODOs directly from ranger program by
marking the directory (using the command ':m') with a digit from 0 to 9.

Allows to list your own favorite commands. Type *cmd --help* to see all the
available options.

Example of using:

    *$ cmd*::
    Lists all the commands

    *$ cmd -a* "ls -l" "This is the corresponding comment"::
    Adds a new command

    *$ cmd* 'NUM'::
    Stores the corresponding command specified by the entry. Then, you just
    need to type Cntrl-g to put it in the command line. 

MAN2 is a minimal manual to get essentials snippet information about all the
important commands. In man2.conf you can specify the path or url where is
located the source manual.
Type *man2 --help* to see all the available options.

Example of using:

    *$ man2* 'keyword'::
    Search "keyword" into the db.

EYE searches (also recursively) if substrings match with the specified pattern, 
into each text or pdf file.

Example of using:

    *$ eye -r* . "python"::
    Searches recursively into the current directory the text files which contain the
    word "python"

    *$ eye -r -p* . "python"::
    Same as above but also search for pdf files.

    *$ eye -r -c*  . "Line-[0-9]+"::
    Same as above but matching using a regular expression and case sensitive.
    For example, the string "Line-235" matchs with the regex above.

SYNC is an awesome command that allows you to synchronize your data
using a synchronization system such as Dropbox/Ubuntu One in a very fashion
way. You need to install rsync to use this command.
SYNC allows you to define a base directory for source and destination in which you can
create a mirror between them.
For instance, if you have a rule that
indicate the source as '/home/david' and the destination as '/home/phil'
so, you can copy the directory '/home/david/mydir/mydir2' and it will be
placed into the destination as '/home/phil/mydir/mydir2' accordingly to
the rule.
SYNC uses rsync and it allows to create a perfect mirror updating the sync directory
with only the modified files.

//Like to rsync you can exclude some files or directories that match with a
//pattern. For example if you don't want sync makefiles:
//sync --exclude=Makefile --exclude=makefile mydir
//NOTE: The exclude feature is not currently available for this version of

You could add new rules using as destination directory a remote machine. For example,
you can synchronize files or directory directly on another remote machine:

$ sync -a $$~$$ [email protected]:~
$ cd $$~$$
$ sync 1 'mydir/myfile'
NOTE: Don't forget to use *colon* if you specify a machine location.
See *sync --help* to know all the details of how using this command.

Example of using:

    *$ sync -a* '/home/david/' '/home/david/Dropbox/'::
    Add a new rule to mirror with Dropbox directory.
    *$ sync* 1 'mydata' 'mydir/video/'::
    The files and directories 'mydata' and 'mydir/video' must be on '/home/david'. 
    If so, SYNC synchronizes all the files specified respectively into
    '/home/david/Dropbox/mydata' and '/home/david/Dropbox/mydir/video/'.

SYMC is still better than SYNC! It allows you to synchronize your data
using a synchronization system such as Dropbox/Ubuntu One in a very fashion
way by creating symlinks of the files instead of copying them.
SYMC build the same filesystem structure starting from the sync directory
specified by the environment variable '$SYNC_HOME'. For instance, if you want to
sync the file '$$~$$/.bashrc' it will be copied in '$SYNC_HOME/$$~$$/.bashrc' by cp
command. When updating/removing your files, they will be automatically synchronized 
by your sync system so that you don't need to sync manually every time and you won't 
lose your data anymore!

In '$$~$$/.pearl/pearlrc' you can specify your sync directory in the environment
variable '$SYNC_HOME' (to default is '$$~$$/Dropbox').
See symc --help to know all the details of how using this command.

Example of using:

    *$ symc* /home/david/ /etc/::
    Synchronizes all the files in the '/home/david' and '/etc/' respectively into
    '$SYNC_HOME/home/david' and '$SYNC_HOME/etc' creating symlinks.

    *$ symc* -m 3145728 --exclude Dropbox --exclude .git -e .svn -e .cvs $$~$$::
    Synchronizes all the files in the home directory with size lesser
    than 3MB (3145728=3MB)  excluding all the .git, .svn, .cvs folders.
    This is awesome and you can use it if you want to save most of your data
    periodically using cron.

The *s* command represents a wrapper of SSH that allows to easily install *pearl* for remote
host. It uses exactly the same syntax as ssh and just add a bunch of code for install *pearl*.

Example of using:

    *$ s* [email protected]::
    Access as myuser in with *ssh*. Before spawn an interactive shell,
    the *s* check is *pearl* is already installed into myserver. If *pearl* is
    installed *s* updated *pearl* with the last version, otherwise it creates a
    copy of *pearl* in '$$~$$/.pearl' and spawn a bash terminal with the pearl
    configuration file.

BACKUP command makes sessions of backup including files and directories.
Each backup can be sent to a mailbox by specifying the account credentials
into your config file. The config file is located in
'$$~$$/.config/pearl/etc/backup.conf'. If it doesn't exist the program BACKUP will
find backup.conf in the etc directory of pearl root (to default is
It's possible to create several sessions instead of using only one config
file. Moreover, you can create files directly in a directory called 'backup.d'
and recall them by the BACKUP program to apply backups of the corresponding
file and directories reported into the session.
The backup will be stored according to the variable 'bkp_dir' specified into
backup.conf file (to default the directory is '$$~$$/.config/pearl/backups').
See backup --help to know all the details of how using this command.

Example of using:
    *$ backup -s*::
    Lists all the sessions created by the user in 'etc/backup.d' directory.

    *$ backup*::
    Applies a backup for the main session in 'backup.conf' file. The backup
    will be stored in 'bkp_dir'.

    *$ backup -m mysession1*::
    Applies a backup of the session contained in 'backup.d/mysession1' and
    send an email attaching it.

    Minor  errors  in  the  spelling  of  a
    directory  component  in  a  cd command will be
    A command name that is the  name  of  a
    directory  is  executed as if it were the 
    argument to the cd command.
    Bash attempts  spelling  correction  on
    directory  names  during word completion if the
    directory  name  initially  supplied  does  not
    The history list  is  appended  to  the
    file  named  by the value of the 'HISTFILE' 
    variable when the shell exits,  rather  than
    overwriting the file.
    Check the window size after each command and,
    if necessary, update the values of LINES 
    and COLUMNS.

    - *~* - is your Home
    - *q*=exit
    - *f*=fg
    - *b*=bg
    - *j*=jobs
    - *a*="ls -ha"
    - *c*="clear"
    - *e*='$EDITOR'
    - *p*='pwd'
    - *h*='history'
    - *t*='tree'
    - *l*="ls --group-directories-first --color=auto -h"
    - *ll*="l -l"
    - *la*="l -a"
    - *c*="clear"
    - *go*=ping
    - *goo*=ping
    - *isconnect* - check whether the computer is connected
    - *alert* - send a notification alert
    - *scrssi* - Open irssi (a powerful irc client) within screen

When you create a new file or directory it will get some default permissions.
You will be the owner. Your default group will be used as the group. And the
mode will normally be world readable or private depending on your umask. The
following values make sense for a umask:

|umask |file mode  |directory mode
|0022  |-rw-r--r-- |drwxr-xr-x
|0077  |-rw------- |drwx------
*pearl* uses the '0022'. For security reasons you can use '0077'.
If you do not want '0022', you can specify the other in 
'$$~$$/.config/pearlrc' by typing: *umask* '0077'

*pearl* provides an useful command that allows moving to a trash directory
unneeded files instead of removing directly them using rm command. The
interface used is the same of the command implemented in ranger by *pearl*.
Each shell creates its own trash directory located in
$$~$$/.config/.pearl/tmp/`tty`. The command trash will make a backup of each
existing destination file or directory.

    *$ trash* 'FILE1' 'FILE2' ...::
    Move the files into trash

    *$ trash* [*-s* || *--show*]::
    Show the trash

    *$ trash* [*-e* || *--empty*]::
    Empty the trash

The trash directory will be removed when exiting from the shell.

Cntrl-o starts ranger command

When typing S key in ranger, it opens a new terminal but you can forget that you have
already an instance of ranger in the same terminal. To avoid of opening nested 
ranger instances, the built-in script ranger in *pearl* allows you to always 
open the last ranger available.

There is a function that allows to change automatically the current directory you are
in ranger as soon as the user quit from ranger programm.
Note that you can return to the original directory by typing "cd -".

Instead of using the Explorer of Vim to select files in the filysystem, you can
even use ranger. In particular, when you type \o you will see an instance of
ranger that allow you to select files. See all the functionality of *pearl*
for Vim in the Vim configuration section.

You can specify in your $$~$$/.xinitrc your applications you want to startup
with some delay with the following bash function:

source /path/to/pearl/lib/
bootapp pidgin 23
It will boot pidgin after 23 seconds. This function allow to reduce the
overhead of booting the X Server with a lot of application at startup.

In order to recognize easily which machine you are currently using,
the hostname information present in the prompt is colorized in function of its value.
In other words, there is a hash function that gives a int value that correspond
to a color for a given hostname string.

The LS_COLORS variable is set in order to have a nice color for each extension file.
The original configuration was made by ''.

The config files touched by *pearl* are:

* '$$~$$/.config/ranger/'
* '$$~$$/.bashrc'
* '$$~$$/.vimrc'
* '$$~$$/.gvimrc'
* '$$~$$/.inputrc'
* '$$~$$/.XDefaults'
* '$$~$$/.gitconfig'
* '$$~$$/.screenrc'

*pearl* creates a config directory in '$$~$$/.config/pearl' which include 
several config files. All the temporary directories of the associated shell 
are stored in '$$~$$/.config/pearl/tmp'.

The bookmark paths are stored into '$$~$$/.config/ranger/bookmarks' in order to get
compatibility with *ranger* file manager. The TODOs are stored into


       Copyright  (C) 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011 Free  Software 
       Foundation, Inc.

       Permission  is  granted to make and distribute verbatim copies
       of this document provided the copyright notice and  this  per‐
       mission notice are preserved on all copies.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions
       of this document under the conditions  for  verbatim  copying,
       provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed
       under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

       Permission is granted to copy and distribute  translations  of
       this  document  into  another language, under the above condi‐
       tions for  modified  versions,  except  that  this  permission
       notice  may  be  stated  in a translation approved by the Free
       Software Foundation.

	Of course there is no bug in *pearl*. But there may be unexpected behaviors.
	Go to '' you can report directly
	this unexpected behaviors.

Filippo Squillace <[email protected]>.


Last words
[verse, Dante Alighieri, from Divine Comedy]
Consider your origins:
You were not born to live like brutes
but to follow virtue and knowledge.


An Enhanced Bash Shell Framework







No packages published


  • Python 54.0%
  • Shell 24.8%
  • Perl 8.6%
  • Vim Script 6.7%
  • JavaScript 5.9%