Django-based minimalistic LDAP user self-registration service.
A simple web form to add user. Asks for username, first & last name, etc and adds the user to LDAP.
Supports also verification question, that must be answered correctly. This is to avoid spambots registering junk accounts.
Contributions welcome!
ldapadd -x -H ldap://localhost -D "cn=admin,dc=ldap" -w admin -f init.ldif
Create image:
docker build -t dlreg:latest .
Create from settings_local.py_template:
cp settings_local.py_template
Run image:
docker run -it --name dlreg -p 8887:8000 --mount type=bind,source="$PWD/",target=/dlreg/dlreg/,readonly dlreg:latest
The registration UI should now be visible at http://localhost:8887/
By Ville Ranki [email protected]