Warning: This project is still under development! Should not be used in production.
Habitat service broker is a broker that implements the Open Service Broker API. It is based on the osb-starter-pack.
You'll need:
- A running Kubernetes cluster
- Helm installed in the cluster. Make sure RBAC is correctly configured for Helm.
- The service-catalog installed in that cluster
- The habitat-operator installed in that cluster.
Note: Make sure you cloned the repo locally and that all the prerequisites are running before proceeding!
Deploy habitat-service-broker using Helm in the running Kubernetes cluster.
make deploy-helm
The following command shows all the available plans that can be provisioned. Currently there are two plans available to provision, Redis and nginx.
kubectl get clusterserviceclasses -o=custom-columns=NAME:.metadata.name,EXTERNAL\ NAME:.spec.externalName
The following command deploys an instance of Redis that is running using Habitat in the Kubernetes cluster:
make deploy-redis
To remove the running instance:
make deprovision-redis