LifeLine HealthServices is a top ranked Health care provider in USA with stellar credentials and provides high quality-care with focus on end-to-end Health care services. The Heath Care Services range from basic medical diagnostics to critical emergency services. The provider follows a ticketing system for all the telephonic calls received across all the departments. Calls to the provider can be for New Appointment, Cancellation, Lab Queries, Medical Refills, Insurance Related, General Doctor Advise etc. The Tickets have the details of Summary of the call and description of the calls written by various staff members with no standard text guidelines. The challenge is, based on the Text in the Summary and Description of the call, the ticket is to be classified to Appropriate Category (out of 5 Categories) and Subcategories (Out of 20 Sub Categories).
COURSE NAME: Artificial Intelligence
Team Members
- G.V.Sandeep
- Kushagra Agrawal
- Rajat Jain
- Ayush Beria
Language Used:Python