Implementação de exemplo das features introduzidas no release 16.3.0 do React.
A apresentação deste conteúdo foi originalmente produto da primeira edição do React Brasília.
Example implementation of the features introduced in the 16.3.0 release of React.
This content presentation was originally a product of the first edition of React Brasília.
- Context
- Provider
- Consumer
- Children as function
- Render Prop pattern
- createRef API
- forwardRef API
- Deprecation
- ComponentWillMount
- ComponentWIllReceiveProps
- ComponentWillUpdate
- Introduced
- getDerivedStateFromProps
- getSnapshotBeforeUpdate
- Identifying components with unsafe lifecycles
- Warning about legacy string ref API usage
- Detecting unexpected side effects
git clone https://github.com/gvarandas/react-16-3-examples.git
cd react-16-3
yarn start