Aware is a menubar app for OSX and macOS that displays how long you've been using your computer.
Requires Xcode 7.2.
$ git clone
$ cd Aware-Power/
$ open Aware.xcodeproj/
Copyright © 2016 Joshua Peek, Patrick Marsceill. All rights reserved.
Aware, although it was originally built for 'session tracking', that is, it was for tracking how much time you spent with the computer "actively", I wanted it to be personal time tracking application, so I'm adding a couple of new features for my liking
Shows how much time was spent today in total
A log txt file of how much time each was spent before the computer went to sleep
(search the spotlight for AwareData.txt)
A nice, pretty GUI parser for the log file, showing how much time was spent day, month, year
(aiming for ios screentime asthetics)
Perhaps implementing application tracking w/ logo (although it'll be one heck of a challenge)