- Notes is a simple mobile application for students which allows them to share the notes, assignment, experiments and any other study material.
- Notes provides notifications, notice board and voting system.
- Upload study materials.
- Set submission date for notifications.
- Notice board.
- Call for vote.
- Flutter - Mobile App Development.
- Firebase - Database and other server functions.
- Adobe XD - UI Design.
- Done designing the high fidelity version take a look at the below screenshots.
- Now its coding time 💻.
- Take a look at the design.
Feel to free to checkout documentation to learn about this project.(There's a story so do check it out 😊)
As you know I'm currently in coding phase so if you would like to code something (UI,functionality) do let me know.
You can reach out to me on twitter
Notes Application is licensed under GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE