Example to help you create your first app with TotalCross Platform!
See the official TotalCross website.
- Follow the Getting Started guide to install TotalCross.
- Ask a question on StackOverflow (StackOverflow to post in portuguese) and tag it with
- Ask for feature request or vote for existing ones on GitLab, remember to tag it with
- Found a bug? Please open an issue
The TotalCross Companion is very comprehensive and covers the following topics:
- How to build and deploy your first application.
- Installing your application.
- TotalCross' user interface.
Found a bug? Let us know! :) Search the existing issues and check if your problem was already reported before opening a new one. Try to add as much helpful information as you can, such as the TotalCross version, the platform where the bug occurs, OS version and the device model. Including the stack trace and a small example that reproduces the problem can help us to fix the bug faster.