You have already seen this application in the PaaS lecture. In this Lab we weill deploy it on a Kubernetes cluster using kubectl
- Before deploying the appliction containers you will need to deploy the databases
- First make sure you are using your group namespace to deploy: $ kubectl config set-context aws_kubernetes --namespace=group1
- Then deploy the MongoDB service and pod: $ kubectl create -f mongo_svc.yml $ kubectl create -f mysql_pod.yml
Please follow the detailed lab instructons on OLAT.
Here are just some quick information pointers:
Docker images:
- User Interface: icclabcna/customers-stores-ui:latest
- Store REST Microservice: icclabcna/rest-microservices-store:latest
- Customers REST Microservice: icclabcna/rest-microservices-customers:latest
User Interface Docker container:
- Runs on port: 9900
- zuul_routes_customers_url: URL to which Zuul forwards Customers services requests e.g., http://localhost:9000
- zuul_routes_stores_url: URL to which Zuul forwards Stores services requests e.g., http://localhost:8081
Stores REST Microservice Docker container:
- Runs on port: 8081
- SPRING_DATA_MONGODB_URI: JDBC Endpoint URI for MongoDB e.g., mongodb://localhost:27017/stores
Customers REST Microservice Docker container:
- Runs on port: 9000
- spring_datasource_username: e.g., root
- spring_datasource_password: e.g., yourpassword
- spring_datasource_url: JDBC Endpoint URI for MySQL DB e.g., jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/customers
- integration_stores_uri: URI the Customers service uses to connect to the Stores service e.g., http://localhost:8081