In this project, we explored advanced fine-tuning methodologies for large language models (LLMs) to enhance their performance in identifying potential mass shooters from social media comments.
Instructions on running the code:
Running the ensemble:
In folder Ensemble_Model_Approach,
Step 1: Run the following files on colab to train and test on specific trait models that form the ensemble: ensemble_mistral_manifesto.ipynb ensemble_supremacist_manifesto.ipynb ensemble_suicidal_manifesto.ipynb ensemble_terrorist_manifesto.ipynb
Step 2: Download the generated label files from these codes.
Step 3: Run the evaluate_ensemble.ipynb file to perform a majority vote and evaluate the model.
Running the code for multistage fine tuning on Mistral:
In folder Multistage_Fine_Tuning_Approach_Mistral,
This folder contains codes to perform the multistage fine-tuning in various combinations of train and test sets.
Step 1: Run the fine_tune_on_3_traits.ipynb to fine tune baseline Mistral sequentially on the three traits.
Step 2: Run Train_manifesto_test_manifesto.ipynb to train the fine tuned model earlier and test on the main dataset.
Step 3: Run the files TrainOn_traits_TestOn_manifestos_cross_val.ipynb and TrainOn_traits_TestOn_manifestos_n_pair.ipynb to train the models on traits and test them on the final dataset using two different loss functions.
Running the code for multistage fine tuning on BERT:
In folder Multistage_Fine_Tuning_Approach_BERT,
Run the file Transformer_model_multistage_finetuning.ipynb