Terraform Module for naming Azure resources and resource groups following Microsoft's naming guidelines.
Note: Since this module is comprised of multiple sub-modules, you need to reference them in a particular fashion.
- Abstract the hassle of knowing which resource type needs to follow which naming convention (length, dashes or no dashes, etc.)
- Make it easier to follow naming conventions
- Follow best pratices such as suffixing with a random string to avoid name collisions
provider "azurerm" {
features {}
variable "location" {
default = "eastus2"
module "resource_group_name" {
source = "gsoft-inc/naming/azurerm//modules/general/resource_group"
name = "example"
prefixes = ["organization", "project", "production"]
module "storage_account_name" {
source = "gsoft-inc/naming/azurerm//modules/storage/storage_account"
name = "example"
prefixes = ["org", "proj", "prod"]
resource "azurerm_resource_group" "example" {
name = module.resource_group_name.result
location = var.location
resource "azurerm_storage_account" "example" {
name = module.storage_account_name.result
resource_group_name = azurerm_resource_group.example.name
location = var.location
account_kind = "StorageV2"
account_tier = "Standard"
account_replication_type = "LRS"
This example would result into something like this:
(resource group)org0proj0prod0example01x
(storage account)
Note: Random suffix is automatically generated but can but overriden.
terraform get -update
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