A Space-Invader like Canvas based game
- Randomly generated asteroid launching positions and sizes
- Randomly generated asteroid movements over time
- Player controlled with mouse
- Shooting bullets with a mouse click
- Bullets/Asteroids collision, incrementing the score
- Player/Asteroids collision, lowering the life count, and killing the player if the count is down to 0
- Increasing difficulty over time
- In real time score displayer
- Life count
- Starting screen
- Death screen displaying last game score
- Restart option, reseting asteroids and score
- An amazing Favicon
- Create an array of beautiful background colors
- Add a starting screen (Could be improve tho)
- Add a death screen
- Improve design
- Add new game modes
- Probably a lot of other things
- Matching background/player/asteroids colors (Should be fixed with defined colors)