GridapDistributed v0.2.7
Closed issues:
- Unable to create *.pvd files. (#92)
- evaluate function not working (#93)
- Auto-diff error in GridapDistributed code (#95)
- Error: Unable to perform "inner" on the given cell-fields (#100)
- Changes in Gridap#master break Heat equation tests (#105)
- Retriving/pushing global data (#106)
Merged pull requests:
- Use single image per figure with markdown syntax (#90) (@xuanxu)
- DistributedCellDofs and other extras (#97) (@JordiManyer)
- P4est migration (#98) (@JordiManyer)
- Upgrading GH actions to Julia 1.8 (#99) (@amartinhuertas)
- Mixdims passing tests (#102) (@oriolcg)
- Update compat with PartitionedArrays.jl v0.2.13 (#104) (@JordiManyer)
- Bump version to 0.2.7 (#107) (@JordiManyer)