This Only Applies for OSX/Macs/Apple
- Install Obsidian on devices:
- Create a vault.
- Right click and make sure the vault folder has keep downloaded checked.
- make sure you do this on iOS too.
- Make a folder called blog or whatever you want.
- Enable Community Plugins.
- Install obsidian-git.
- Also potentially called git.
- Make a GitHub repo from this template.
- Create a personal access token.
- When prompted for repo in obsidian-git use:
- The folder should be the one created in step 3.
- Once repo has been cloned. Find iCloud folder called blog or whatever and open terminal at location.
- Run:
git checkout -b obsidian
git push origin obsidian:obsidian
- Double check this! You want to make sure you are sending posts to the Obsidian branch.
- If you don't everything you say and do will be public near instantaneously.
- Configure and enable Unique Note Creator.
- file location can point to _drafts or another staging folder.
- create a folder called templates or something.
- make a template with the following yaml:
--- title: description: layout: posts ---
- set prefix format to: YYYY-MM-DD
- Create a account.
- Create a deploy token.
- Add token to Settings > Secrets > Actions > FLY_API_TOKEN.
- Add css. Make it yours and pretty!
- There's also a few templates that should work with this:
- Edit the following:
_config > url: "URL YOU HOST AT"
ngnix.conf > server_name <FILL THIS IN>;
- This should be your domain name.
_layouts/default.html > <!-- <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href=""/> -->
- Everyone needs a favicon
- Follow directions starting from here for initial deployment.
- Add domain name and cert.
- cmd + p > create new unique note
- Editing the header will change the file name.
- The file name will create the date and url of the post.
- Write things.
- Right click and stage changes.
- Open right side menu and commit changes.
- Go to IDE of choice.
- Change to obsidian branch.
- Run:
bundle exec jekyll s
- Review and make changes in either Obsidian or IDE.
- Optional for images:
- Create python venv and install requirements.
source venv/bin/activate
- Put images in
. - Run:
- Delete images if you want.
- Alternative is to keep images in
and let the GitHub Action do the same.- Only downside is your repo will fill up with large images.
- Ensure all image links point to:
- Create python venv and install requirements.
- Optional for images:
- If all looks good. Commit any last changes and create a PR comparing obsidian to main.
- Merge your obsidian branch.
- Do not delete!
- Watch your site update.