This will convert regular English sentences/ideas into their regex equivalents The end goal will be to take something in the form
Any digit followed by any lowercase letter one or more times
and it should return
This script is run from the command line using gawk. You can run it by echoing out a string and piping it to this like so
echo "ends with ( spaces ( digits ) ) characters spaces" | regex.gawk
Or you can cat a file like so
cat testfile | regex.gawk
If there are other ways for you to generate text that can be piped to this script it should work and return the correct regex
as of commit
The following sentence
ends with any digit atleast 1 times followed by ( uppercase letters one or more times ( followed by spaces more than zero times ) ) "testing one ends with" not digits followed by characters
produces the following output
\d{1,}$(?=([A-Z]+((?=\s)*)))testing one ends with^\d
Make sure to check the raw output as github does some fancy things and can turn the above regex into a link.