- Fix the fourth robot ultrasound collission
- The ultrasound triangle produces collission on 1 robot for some reason.
- Dynamically remove robots
- Add numbers + names to the robot squares
- Try AI control of the robots - generate a track and let them learn
- Check package
- Try to create own kivent renderer
- Create 3d renderer
- Translate camera
- Rotate camera 2d
- Rotate camera 3d
- Load OBJ model
- Render OBJ model
- Render OBJ model with MTL
- Use logger instead of print
- On right click create edit window / floating or let it be permanent - possibly allow multiple edit windows to be opened at the same time
- Dynamically add robots
- added README install section
- installed and run on ubuntu 20.04 :yay:
- applied black
- splitted classes into separate files