- Image: Picks the biggest image by file size on the page
- Title: OG title else title in meta tags else HTML title
- Description: OG description else meta description
- Price: Picks non-zero dollar price that matches regular expression
- Site Name: OG site_name
Note: Image selection takes consideration of OG image.
- Custom user agent can be defined for PhantomJS (see their API documentation and use it in conjucation with the NodeJS library for PhatomJS.).
- Custom
to look for price can be specified based on domain. (See functiongetPrice
.) - Custom URL transformations (eg. from mobile to desktop) can be specified. (See functions
In general custom rules in all aspects can be specified very easily.
PhantomJS doesn't handle refresh headers in this current version.
- Install
. - Install
which is a head-less browser used for parsing.
After cloning the repo you will want to run
npm install
Also make sure you have installed phantom.js
brew install phantomjs
To install the up server
npm install -g up
From the project root directory run
up server.js
which will bring up the server on http://localhost:3000/
and listen to post requests for the variable url
on http://localhost:3000/scraper
for the webpage address.
Alternatively, you can set the NODE_ENV
variable in you bash or zsh rc so that all you have to do is run
up server.js
For testing you would need to install nodeunit
which is a part of devDependencies
To run tests, simply run npm test
from the root directory.
Sample response would look like
'status': 'ok',
'title': 'Black skirt - GAP',
'description': 'Just another skirt.',
'price': 10
'image': 'http://path/to/biggest/image',
'alternateImages': [
'siteName': null,
‘finalDestination’: ‘http://final/redirect/url’
when fetching the URL doesn't cause errors. And when it does the response would be
'status': 'error'