Extension for the OLC PGE, that handles different fonts
The exporter part of the software is a command line program. The following is the template for the command:
OlcFontExporter <path> [-f #<color>] [-b #<color>] [-o <output>] [-e <true/false>]
- f Specifies the foreground color
- b Specifies the background color
- o Specifies the output file
- e Specifies if error should be thrown on unknown color
By default the output file will be named "output.of"
Color should be given in hexadecimal format with a preceding hashtag in the order of #rrggbbaa
A Font object can be created with olc::Font(path-to-file). After this, calling Font#DrawString(x, y, text, color, size);
draws the text with the specified font.
The aim of this project is to stay faithful to the original font format found in the pixel game engine.