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Dot Files

These are config files to set up a system the way I like it.


git clone git:// ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
rake install


I'm running on Mac OS X and Linux Debian.


This mainly comes from Ryan Bates Dot Files ( and from a lot of other sources. I'll try to list them all here:




Useful commands

  • Use :%s/to_repace/replace_by/g to perform a find & replace in the file

Cheat sheet wallpapers


  • <leader>ew expands to :e (directory of current file)/ (open in the current buffer)
  • <leader>es expands to :sp (directory of current file)/ (open in a horizontal split)
  • <leader>ev expands to :vsp (directory of current file)/ (open in a vertical split)
  • <leader>et expands to :tabe (directory of current file)/ (open in a new tab)
  • :w!! expands to %!sudo tee > /dev/null %. Write to the current file using sudo (if you forgot to run it with sudo), it will prompt for sudo password when writing
  • <leader>p toggles paste mode
  • <leader>fef formats the entire file
  • <leader>cd changes the path to the active buffer's file
  • <leader>md creates the directory of the active buffer's file (For example, when editing a new file for which the path does not exist.)
  • <leader>ul underlines the current line with =
  • <leader>tw toggles line wrap
  • <leader>fc finds the next conflict marker (tested with Git conflicted files)
  • Remap <Down> and <Up> to gj and gk (Wrapped text is not considered a single long line of text.)
  • <leader>hs clear highlight search
  • <leader>= adjusts viewports to the same size (=)
  • <C-l> shifts current line or selected lines rightwards (indent)
  • <C-h> shifts current line or selected lines leftwards (outdent)
  • <C-k> bubbles current line or selected lines upwards
  • <C-l> bubbles current line or selected lines downwards
  • <C-Left> go to previous buffer
  • <C-Right> go to next buffer
  • <C-Down> close curren buffer


Grep-like text finder (Ack)

Ack.vim uses ack to search inside the current directory for a pattern. You can learn more about it with :help Ack.


  • <leader>f brings up :Ack.

Fuzzy finder (CtrlP)

Fuzzy file, buffer, mru, and tag finder.

Comments (NERDCommenter)

NERDCommenter allows you to wrangle your code comments, regardless of filetype. View :help NERDCommenter for all the details.


  • <leader>/ toggles comments

File explorer (NERDTree)

NERDTree is a file explorer plugin that provides "project drawer" functionality to your vim projects. You can learn more about it with :help NERDTree.


  • <leader>n toggles explorer

Git support (Fugitive)

Fugitive adds pervasive git support to git directories in vim. For more information, use :help fugitive

Use :Gstatus to view git status and type - on any file to stage or unstage it. Type p on a file to enter git add -p and stage specific hunks in the file.


  • <leader>gb maps to :Gblame<CR>
  • <leader>gs maps to :Gstatus<CR>
  • <leader>gd maps to :Gdiff<CR>
  • <leader>gl maps to :Glog<CR>
  • <leader>gc maps to :Gcommit<CR>
  • <leader>gp maps to :Git push<CR>


Tabular makes it easy to align regions of text that match a pattern.

  • <leader>a= aligns equals signs
  • <leader>a: aligns colon assignments

Zoom Windows (ZoomWin)

When working with split windows, ZoomWin lets you zoom into a window and out again using <C-w> o

Installing plugins

Vim plugins are installed as submodules in the following folders:

  • vim/bundles/colors : themes
  • vim/bundles/syntaxes : languages
  • vim/bundles/utils : rest

Note that those folders are autoloaded with pathogen.

To install a new plugin:

git submodule add <git repo url> vim/bundles/<plugin type>/<plugin name>


New version of my dotfiles






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