Dependency Injection container for go projects (wip).
Golossus is a set of reusable Go modules to facilitate the creation of applications, specially suited for web, leveraging Go's standard packages.
The Dependency Injection (DI) module provides a seamless mechanism to declare a dependency injection service container (or IoC container) for go projects. DI containers significantly help to manage dependencies within the application, so it's considered a convenient pattern to increase code maintainability.
DI containers handle the recursive creation (or complete lifecycle) of "objects" (usually called services) and their required dependencies in an automatic fashion. Golossus DI main features are:
- Reflection based container.
- Declare values, factories, aliases or injectable structs.
- Associate tags to services and retrieve them by priority.
- Simple and minimalistic API.
- Supports singletons.
- Defines Provider & Resolver interfaces to allow better organization of definitions.
- Control of services access using private or public scope.
- More to come...
The DI package is just a common Go module, it can be installed as any other Go module, go to your project root folder on your preferred shell and type:
go get
To get more information just review the official Go blog regarding this topic.
In order to create a service container, first thing to is to create a new instance of a container builder exposed by the DI module. After all the services have been defined, the resolved container can be requested from the builder. Once the container instance is ready, services can be retrieved form it, mainly by key.
It is required to type cast the resultant service because the container is a generic like factory and only retrieves
types. If the type conversion is incompatible the code will panic. This is in addition to performance the main flaws of using reflection for this kind of pattern.
package main
func main() {
// create a builder instance
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
// configure service definitions
// resolved and get the final container
container := builder.GetContainer()
// get a service, this might panic if type conversion fails
service := container.Get("my.service.key").(ServiceType)
The builder exposes a simple API to configure the creation of any desired object. Golossus DI builder basically considers the definition of four types of objects because of their differentiated nature: values, factories, aliases and injectable structs.
Values are just instances of pre-built objects. Sometimes it's handy to add any previously created object (it might be anything) into the container instead of wiring the creation of it by means of the builder API. For example, this might be helpful for primitive values that are required as dependencies of other services or, to add an object retrieved from another package.
Values can be anything (scalars, structs, functions, ...) as far as they are created beforehand. Use the SetValue
method of the builder to bind the value to some key:
package main
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
container := builder.GetContainer()
fromEmail := container.Get("email.from").(string)
In the example above, the container will retrieve a copy of the
value each time it's requested usingcontainer.Get("email.from")
. The reason is simple, function return values are passed by value the same way function arguments do in Go. If you want the same instance of the value to be returned on each retrieval, refer to the shared services section. Tip: use a pointer.
Factories are the de-facto approach to configure object creation. Factories are simply functions that receive
a Container
instance implementation as their only argument and return a single interface{}
. Inside factories, the container can be
used to retrieve any dependency required by the returned object from the container.
Factories will be called during object creation and not during object configuration. This means, you can require any
service from the container by key even if the key doesn't exist yet, as far as on creation time the service is available
on the container (code will panic if not the case). In order to declare factories for the container use the method
of the builder instance.
In order to avoid lack of service definition and unexpected side effects on run time, a special method
has been provided to the container. Refer to his section to know more about this method.
package main
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetFactory("email.mailer", func(c Container) interface{} {
return Mailer{from: c.Get("from").(string)}
container := builder.GetContainer()
mailer := container.Get("email.mailer").(Mailer)
In the example above, the container will retrieve a copy of the
value each time it's requested usingcontainer.Get("email.from")
. The reason is simple, function return values are passed by value the same way function arguments do in Go. If you want the same instance of the value to be returned on each retrieval, refer to the shared services section. Tip: use a pointer.
Injectable structs are common structs whose fields are labeled with a special label inject
. These are handy to be used
when the object to retrieve from the container is a struct and a more declarative way to define their dependencies is
preferred. Injectable structs are automatically injected with the services represented by the keys used after
the inject
label. Use the method SetInjectable
of the builder instance to pass an injectable struct instance with at least one
eported field labeled to be injected.
Only exported fields of the structs can be injected, and the final struct will be created from its initial "zero" value. Trying to inject an unexported field will panic, same way if types of the dependencies and fields are not equivalent, or no field is labeled. Additionally, no matter the values of a struct instance has when passed to the
, they won't be used in the retrieved struct from the container.
package main
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer", &Mailer{})
container := builder.GetContainer()
mailer := container.Get("email.mailer").(*Mailer)
Notice that we can use pointers to services as well, as far as type conversion is done properly there's no limitation on the kind of objects the container can handle.
Aliases are a simple way to define another service based on an existing definition. Aliases can have different tags (
refer to tags section) or scope (refer to private services section) than the aliased service. Just use the SetAlias
method of the builder instance to define a new alias of an existing service definition.
Trying to define an alias of a not existing definition will panic. Trying to define an alias with a key already used by another service definition will panic as well.
Trying to define an alias with a key already used by another alias will replace the former alias. Same way, services will always replace aliases if using same keys.
package main
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer", &Mailer{})
builder.SetAlias("mailer.default", "email.mailer")
container := builder.GetContainer()
mailer := container.Get("mailer.default").(*Mailer)
Tags can be added to service's definition as a form of metadata. There are two ways to associate tags to services: as part of the service key, or as setter method argument.
Tags can be included as part of a service's key by preceding them with a #
charracter. Additionally, specific
values for tags can also be included preceding them with the =
character. The actual key of a service will be the
prefix part of a key until the first #
. Subsequently, the tag name will be the following prefix of the key until the
first =
or #
found. Either the key portion, tag name or tag value will be blank space trimmed.
Tags can also be included as a map argument on the setters methods of the builder. Tags and values added through this method will take precedence over the ones set through the key.
Services can be retrieved from the container by tag name and value using the method GetTaggedBy
. The container will
return a list of services in this case
package main
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.1 #score=10 #mailing", &Mailer{}) // <- tags on key
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.2", &Mailer{}, map[string]string{ // <- tags on argument
"mailing": "",
"score": "1",
container := builder.GetContainer()
mailers := container.GetTaggedBy("mailing")
mailer1 := mailers[0].(*Mailer)
mailer2 := mailers[1].(*Mailer)
// or
mailers := container.GetTaggedBy("score", "10")
mailer := mailers[0].(*Mailer)
Tags are also important because a reserved set of tags can be used to configure the behaviour of the service definitions. Go to following sections to know more about them.
By default, service definitions are configured as not shared services. This means, each time a service is requested
from the container, the container will create a new instance of that service. If the same instance of a service must be
reused once built, then the service definition must be set as shared. This can be done by using the reserved tag name
or its exported const equivalent TagShared
. Adding this tag to a service definition will make the service to
build only once a service instance and reuse it on consecutive retrievals.
This is the approach to define and retrieve singletons from the container. The only detail to bare in mind is that, if a singleton is required, the service should be a pointer. If we don't use a pointer for a shared service, inevitably we will get a copy of the instance as a result value of the corresponding function. This can have unexpected results if not aware.
package main
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.singleton1 #shared", &Mailer{}) // <- tag shared on key
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.singleton2 #shared=true", &Mailer{}) // <- tag with boolean value
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.not.singleton1 #shared", Mailer{}) // <- not a pointer, so not singleton
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.not.singleton2 #shared=false", Mailer{}) // <- not shared, so not singleton
By default, service definitions are public. This means, a service can be retrieved directly from the container. This might not always be the desire behaviour, because we might need to restrict the access to some services that are only relevant to build other services.
In order to make a service private a reserved tag private
can be used or its corresponding exported const TagPrivate
Private services can not be retrieved from the built container neither using Get
nor GetTaggedBy
methods, but they
can be retrieved with those same methods on service definitions.
Remember that aliases have their own set of tags so you can have a private service and a public alias of the same service. This might be useful to expose a small set of well know public services by means of predefined aliases.
package main
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
builder.SetValue("email.from", from)
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.singleton1 #shared", &Mailer{}) // <- tag shared on key
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.singleton2 #shared=true", &Mailer{}) // <- tag with boolean value
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.not.singleton1 #shared", Mailer{}) // <- not a pointer, so not singleton
builder.SetInjectable("email.mailer.not.singleton2 #shared=false", Mailer{}) // <- not shared, so not singleton
A convenient method SetAll
of the builder can be used to set all types of bindings in a single call to facilitate code
organization. The only requirement is that a special tag identifying the type of definition must be used (if not
provided factory
type will be used by default).
can be used instead of their counterpart string valuesvalue
package main
import ""
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
{Key: "email.from #value", Target: from}, // <- tag as key
{Key: "email.mailer #inject", Target: &Mailer{}},
{Key: "mailer.default", Target: "email.mailer", Tags: map[string]string{ // <- tag as metadata
di.TagAlias: "", // <- tag constant
container := builder.GetContainer()
mailer := container.Get("mailer.default").(*Mailer)
As mentioned before, due to the nature of reflection in Go, we can have panics while building our services through the
container or while doing invalid type conversions of the retrieved services. In order to minimiz surprises on run time,
a special method of the container called MustBuild
is provided.
This method can be used to build all the services defined in the container in a row. If no panic occurs during the construction of each service we can be sure the container is safe. At least, we can ensure the container won't panic while building any of its services.
This method can be used at the application startup, so that if it panics, we don't have a running application which eventually will fail because of a bad service definition.
package main
import ""
type Mailer struct {
from string `inject:"email.from"`
func main() {
from := "[email protected]"
builder := di.NewContainerBuilder()
{Key: "email.from #value", Target: from},
{Key: "email.mailer #inject", Target: &Mailer{}},
{Key: "mailer.default", Target: "email.mailer", Tags: map[string]string{
di.TagAlias: "",
container := builder.GetContainer()
container.MustBuild(true) // dry run set to true, will fail if definition error
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Golossus is an Open Source project. The Golossus team wants to enable it to be community-driven and open to contributors. Take a look at contributing documentation.
If you discover a security vulnerability within any Golossus module, please follow ourdisclosure procedure.
DI module development is led by the Golossus Team Leaders and supported by contributors.