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Telegram Service

rz91stud edited this page Jul 30, 2018 · 5 revisions

The Telegram Service contains the backend for your Telegram Bot. It uses NodeJS and Telegraf (NodeJS Telegram Bot API). When a user types a message to your bot, the Telegram Service will know and decide how to handle the message.


  • bot.js
  • http_service.js
  • message_service.js


The bot.js uses Telegraf to build the Bot and to install event-handling. Every command that is supported and every message that will get an answer can be found there.

bot.command('start', (ctx) => {

For example this code snippet tells the bot if he gets the command /start how to answer


The http_service.js forms the interface to the NSpM Service. There are functions like

  • post_question()
  • post_query()
  • post_training()

to connect to the NSpM Service via HTTP and get the infos you need to answer to the user.


The message_service is basically an array of strings which contains all phrases the bot know.

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