GlideinWMS v3_4 has been released.
It is available in the osg-upcoming repository and will migrate in the future to the OSG production repository.
A lot of code changes for this release, about 10 times the usual, including code modernization to Python 2.7 idioms (Python 2.6 is still supported) and many new unit tests.
Please read the warnings below, some actions may be required.
This release includes all features of previous stable series 3.2 and development series 3.3.
New to 3.2 are the support for Google CE and the policy plugins.
Other new exciting features include:
- Glidein lifetime not based anymore on the length of the proxy
- Internal support of condor_switchboard (discontinued by HTCondor)
- New option to kill glideins when job requests decrease
- Estimate in advance the cores provided to glideins discovering cores automatically
- Add entry monitoring breakdown for metasites
- Review Factory and Frontend tools, especially glidien_off and manual_glidein_submit.py
- Singularity improvements to use PATH and module when SINGULARITY_BIN does not contain the correct path and to run in a separate session to support restricted-access CVMFS
WARNINGS, some action may be required for the following
- GLIDEIN_ToDie is no more shortened depending on the X509 proxy lifetime, to get the old behavior set GLIDEIN_Ignore_X509_Duration to False
- The type of the GLIDEIN_CPU attr is String (to accommodate the keywords auto, slot, node). Documentation was reporting Int incorrectly. Make sure your configuration uses the correct type or you may get a reconfig/upgrade error.
Factory only:
3. If you use HTCondor 8.7.2 or bigger with the GlideinWMS Factory, you must install also glideinwms-switchboard, to have condor_root_switchboard, that was removed from HTCondor
4. 'entry_sets' should be considered an experimental feature: the implementation will change in 3.4.1 and there may be errors and manual interventions required when upgrading to new versions of GlideinWMS if metasites are configured
The full release notes are available here:
git checkout v3_4
Available in the osg-upcoming repo.